Returning to Maintenance after a cut


New Member
I am finishing a cut soon. So far I have lost 10lbs (now 151) and I am down to about 8% bf. I want to lose another 5lbs but it looks like further calorie restriction is going to be required as my metabolism is slowing down.

I am currently exercising mostly cardio 1-2hours per day. Usually 1 hr one day with 2hrs the next day. I have no extra time to train.
So here is my question.

How can one bring my BMR back to where it should be prior to the cut, after the next 5lbs (and also considering the 15lb BMR reduction from change in weight)?

Right now my body is in conserve mode. What can I do to not gain lbs back at normal BMR while getting out of a deficit that is stagnant?

Hey mate,

im in a similar position, lost 17 lbs over 12 weeks cutting and had to cut calories right down to 1800 to get the last few lbs off, ive just upped calories by around 100 per day, i know its faster than recommended but in 10 days only up 2lb, mostly water weight i think.
My training partner has had great success upping calories 200 each 3 days until back to normal.

good luck