

New Member
In Poland salbutamol is very popular aid in weight reduction (of course prescription drug)
sometimes even people are reporting muscle gains with almost no fat during gaining period
Does anybody have any experience wih this drug
or any comments ??
usual dosage is from 16 till 24 mg per day - just to add

in US --> Albuterol

thanks in advance
That`s an asthma medicine. The usage of this drug in weight loss is pretty stupid.

I`ve been using that stuff for over twenty years and only effect i`ve got is when i`ve overdose it. And even then only elevated heart rate and restlessness.. overall shitty feeling

What it comes to any "magical" weight loss drugs, pills etc. just don`t bother. Eat less and be healthy! is couple articles about using salbumatol in increasing muscle mass...

Comparative effects of beta2-adrenergic agonists on muscle waste associated with tumour growth.

Carbo N, Lopez-Soriano J, Tarrago T, Gonzalez O, Llovera M, Lopez-Soriano FJ, Argiles JM.

Departament de Bioquimica i Biologia Molecular, Facultat de Biologia, Universitat de Barcelona, Spain.

The implantation of the Yoshida AH-130 ascites hepatoma (a fast growing tumour) to rats resulted in a dramatic loss of both white adipose tissue and muscle (skeletal and cardiac) mass. Administration of beta2-adrenergic agonists to tumour-bearing rats resulted in a partial recovery of skeletal muscle and heart mass. Treatment of the tumour-bearing animals with the different drugs (salbutamol, salmeterol and clenbuterol) did not influence tumour growth or food intake so it can be suggested that the effects were solely due to metabolic changes. In addition, while the three drugs had clear effects on gastrocnemius muscles, clenbuterol and salbutamol had also an effect on soleus, and salbutamol had a clear effect on cardiac muscle. It is suggested that any of the studied beta2-adrenergic agonists (but perhaps, particularly salmeterol) could be used clinically in the treatment of cancer cachexia.

Strength training and albuterol in facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy.

van der Kooi EL, Vogels OJ, van Asseldonk RJ, Lindeman E, Hendriks JC, Wohlgemuth M, van der Maarel SM, Padberg GW.

Neuromuscular Center Nijmegen, University Medical Center Nijmegen, PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

BACKGROUND: In animals and healthy volunteers beta2-adrenergic agonists increase muscle strength and mass, in particular when combined with strength training. In patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD) albuterol may exert anabolic effects. The authors evaluated the effect of strength training and albuterol on muscle strength and volume in FSHD. METHODS: Sixty-five patients were randomized to strength training of elbow flexors and ankle dorsiflexors or non-training. After 26 weeks albuterol (sustained-release, 8 mg BID) was added in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled design. Primary outcome was maximum voluntary isometric strength (MVIC) at 52 weeks. Secondary outcomes comprised dynamic strength and muscle volume. RESULTS: Training and albuterol were well tolerated. Training of elbow flexors did not result in a significant effect on MVIC, but dynamic strength improved significantly. Elbow flexor MVIC strength increased significantly in albuterol vs placebo treated patients. Ankle dorsiflexor strength decreased in all groups. Eleven out of twelve non-trained muscles in the albuterol group showed a positive effect on MVIC compared to the placebo group (p < 0.05 in seven muscle groups). Muscle volume decreased in the placebo-treated, and increased in the albuterol-treated patients. No synergistic or antagonistic effects were observed between training and albuterol. CONCLUSIONS: In FSHD strength training and albuterol appear safe interventions with limited positive effect on muscle strength and volume. Consequences of prolonged use are presently unclear, which precludes routine prescription.
Salbutamol and salmeterol agonise beta-2 adrenergic receptors on the blood vessels of skeletal muscle. The result is vasodilation - more blood flow to the area.

If used chronically then obv. you'd get the dilation effect more often. Muscular dystrophy is an extreme condition as far as drawing conclusions about any effects on a healthy individual.

Also, you'd want to be VERY careful that your family doesn't have ANY history of heart problems/cardiac failure as you'll get effects at that site - increased HR and SV.