SAN V-12

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Has anyone tried V-12 from SAN ? I've noticed it on 1fast400 and according to the reviews it got there it seems to work...
I'm currently taking "normal" creatine monohydrate, would
V-12 make any difference ?
The link to the product on 1fast400 :
SAN V-12
I really don't think it will make any difference.

The biggest significant difference with straight creatine is the addition of glycocamine, a "creatine precursor". I'd be curious to hear Bryan's opinion on this, if he hasn't commented on it already.

V-12 also (allegedly) operates as a nitric oxide booster, but there is a whole controversy about whether increasing levels of nitric oxide really promotes any beneficial effects vis-a-vis bodybuilding.

I've tasted it... it does taste good.
The fact is that regular bog standard creatine monohydrate is fully capable of saturating cells. Saturated is saturated! ie There is no more room for anymore of the stuff.
why would you want to add a creatine precursor? it just means that your body has to expend energy to make the creatine that cannot be incorporated into fully saturated cells! None of the other additives will acheive anything extra once the cells are saturated.

so you have to ask yourself this question. Why would you want to pay at least 3x the price for a super dooper creatine transport injection system when regular bog standard does the same job?
I've heard somewhere that Creatine Monohydrate doesn't enter some peoples' cells well enough to reach saturation levels...
Or is that just some marketing scam ?
Even if all of the 1.5g of the betaine/guanidinoacetate complex was converted to creatine, you're still basically just adding extra creatine to a system that easily saturates thanks to the creatine transporter's Km. As with any creatine supplementation, you're also creating a normal negative feedback loop for endogeous creatine production in addition to decreasing the flux through the rate limiting AGAT conversion of arginine and glycine to GAA. The tricreatine/GAA connection of V12 isn't really impressive to me; no idear about the rest of it in regards to a "pump" tho. People seem to like it *shrugs*

Some other interesting things regarding glycocamine/guanidinoacetate although I doubt that v-12 will raise the GAA levels to a relevant level:

Zugno AI, Stefanello FM, Streck EL, Calcagnotto T, Wannmacher CM, Wajner M, Wyse AT.Inhibition of Na+, K+-ATPase activity in rat striatum by guanidinoacetate. Int J Dev Neurosci. 2003 Jun;21(4):183-9. PMID: 12781785 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

Neu A, Neuhoff H, Trube G, Fehr S, Ullrich K, Roeper J, Isbrandt D. Activation of GABA(A) receptors by guanidinoacetate: a novel pathophysiological mechanism. Neurobiol Dis. 2002 Nov;11(2):298-307.
PMID: 12505422 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]