Saw Palmetto


New Member
I saw in another post that Bryan considers Saw Palmetto (SP) to be counterproductive in terms of muscle hypertrophy. I know that SP is supposed to inhibit 5-alpha-reductase, but he says that it blocks androgen receptors. Does anyone know of the research that shows SP is an androgen receptor antagonist? I'd like to read those papers, but I can't find references.
Also, of all of the BPH phytochemicals that are out there (SP, beta-sitosterol, nettles, pygeum, etc.), which would be the most conducive to muscle hypertrophy?

One application of saw palmetto to reduce prostate enlargement.

You know, for instance that prolonged use of ephedrine HCL can cause prostate enlargement ...
[b said:
Quote[/b] ]One application of saw palmetto to reduce prostate enlargement.
Yes, that's why I started this thread. :) I guess I should have been more specific. I have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), a.k.a. enlarged prostate. I'm only 33 (I've actually had it since my early 20's, the doctor doesn't know why). I've been taking Saw Palmetto for some time, and I was wondering what people knew about it (and other phytochemicals for enlarged prostate) as far as its effect on hypertrophy. Specifically, I'm wondering if Saw Palmetto really has a negative effect, and if so, do the others (nettles, beta-sitosterol, pygeum) have less of a negative effect.

On to productive conversations...

Bump for Bryan:

Would SP be bad to take on a cycle of 1-test? I had some prostate problems (swelling and infection) last time I used it and was thinking about using it next time I go the 1-test route.
Bump on this old question.

I'm currently taking saw palmetto but am curious as to other options for BPH.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (NthDegree @ Mar. 17 2003,6:03)]I have Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), a.k.a. enlarged prostate. I'm only 33 (I've actually had it since my early 20's, the doctor doesn't know why).
Have you ever done ephedrine?