Should you cycle ephedra/caffeine products?


New Member
Hello everyone!
I am taking a product called Betadrene. It contains 20mg of ephedra per pill. I take 2 pills per day exactly 1 hour after my first two meals of the day. So I am getting a total of 40mg of ephedra a day. This is what the directions on the bottle recommend. They also tell me to take 1 day off a week from taking the product. My question is, how many months can you take ephedra before the body's receptors start to down regulate and adapt? Also, if it it best to take time off from ephedra, how many days or weeks is necessary before I can restart taking ephedra? Any suggestions will be helpful.
If you can get it, buy pure ephedrine hydrochloride and caffeine pills. With these you know exactly how much of the E+C you are getting. Ephedra is the genus that ephedrine is extracted from and the potency of ephedra can vary quite a bit depending on the season and the type of ephedra, meaning the pill may say standardized for 20 mg of ephedrine but may have as little as 5 mg or as high as 40 mg...Same goes for the herbal forms of caffeine (guarana).