Sodium Usniate recommendations


New Member
Hey, there!

Just wanted to check something since I've heard a lot of different opinions on how to use SU on a diet.

I am going to try a cycle consisting of 1 week SU + HST, 2 weeks ECA + HST, 2 weeks SU + HST, and 2 (or 3) weeks ECA + HST (heard some people lost strength, so I'll use ECA for the hardest part of 15s and 5s). Then repeat if I can.

Now, for my questions

1. Some people are on rediculously low cals with SU - is there any need to do this ? My caloric needs should be around 3000kcals/day and I'm thinking about doing 2200-2500

2. Some people seem to advice against using ECA while on SU. Any truth to this ? If so, is it ok to use ECA to wake up in the morning ? Is using SU all in one hit at night different to spreading it out during the day different in this respect ?

3. What's best - 1000mg (if one can take it without side effects) in one day, or 2 days of 600mg ? I like to stay within safe dosages...All at night, or spread out ?

4. Any recommended supplements for my liver ? Was thinking about milk thistle...Any other good ideas ?

Any *knowledgeable* feedback would be greatly appreciated!
Where did you obtain Sodium Usniate?

I have been looking around for a bit, and my old sources no longer carry it.

I wish to use it during December-January.

To answer your questions:

1. No.

2. No. Yes. I spread mine out due to sheer preference.

3. I spread it out and take it daily, not every two days. I could not really say if another method is superior or inferior, as I have only used Lipokinetix and HPDx in the past.

4. r-ALA, perhaps. I have always liked using N-acetyl cysteine to restore liver health. It's my favorite.

Hope this helps some.
That's good to hear! :)

I just got some milk thistle, and I'm going to start next Monday night...I hope the results are as good as people say.
