Hello to all, my first post here. I'm about to start my first HST cycle (as I'm sure the subject line implied
). Been lifting since Feb '06, and have spent the last 4 months on the single factor 5x5. Made good strength gains and now I want to do a hypertrophy oriented program for a while. As of right now my 5RMs are about (I'm 5'7", 175 lbs):
ATG Squat - 270x5
Flat bench - 210x5
Pendlay row - 170x5
Overhead press - 135x5
Deadlift - 305x5
Trying to set up my first HST cycle, spending next week working out 15 and 10RM's, following week SD, then rock 'n roll. Here's the exercises I've worked out out so far:
Bench Press
Pendlay Rows
Overhead Press
BB Curls
Lying Tricep Extentions
Lat Pulldown/Pullups
I'd do the SLDL Monday/Friday, and conventional deads on Wednesday. Lat pulldown would be for the rep ranges where I can't get enough pullups, then pullups at least for the 5's. My legs are doing pretty well after 4 months of 3x per week squatting, added mass to my chest and back, but I have lagging arms and would like to bring them up a bit.
All advice and criticisms appreciated.

ATG Squat - 270x5
Flat bench - 210x5
Pendlay row - 170x5
Overhead press - 135x5
Deadlift - 305x5
Trying to set up my first HST cycle, spending next week working out 15 and 10RM's, following week SD, then rock 'n roll. Here's the exercises I've worked out out so far:
Bench Press
Pendlay Rows
Overhead Press
BB Curls
Lying Tricep Extentions
Lat Pulldown/Pullups
I'd do the SLDL Monday/Friday, and conventional deads on Wednesday. Lat pulldown would be for the rep ranges where I can't get enough pullups, then pullups at least for the 5's. My legs are doing pretty well after 4 months of 3x per week squatting, added mass to my chest and back, but I have lagging arms and would like to bring them up a bit.
All advice and criticisms appreciated.