Spike, ZMA, stuff from t-MAG


New Member
rather recently i've been looking at the supplements on T-mag and they really seem to up the hype, but i have no idea what some of their supplements are. Half of them seem like roids, the others i have no idea what they are. the ones i'm particularly interested in are

Spike™ Ultimate Brain-Body Boost: all it says is that its a stimulant and that it provides a mental clarity that ephedrine can't.

Is this safe? legal? a roid? whats in it? anyone try it? Where's the science behind it.

Maximum Strength HOT-ROX™ : Is this just basically like any caffeine fat burner? is this safe? recommended better than other products?

Alpha- Male : this is a steroid right?

and of course the GROW ! protein: there's really no difference in using this or whey or casein protein, it just depends on timing is that correct?

If anyone could provide any information on these supplements that'd be great
especially the SPIKE since i'll be going to college and mental clarity would be something needed for those late nights and 2xdays ;) thanks again guys.

T-Mag is one of the worst rags on the planet, and Biotest is one of the worst companies when it comes to hype and pimping useless products. Alpha Male is not a steroid, it's a standard tribulus/other compound test booster, which is to say it's useless.

Biotest prices are ridiculous. Post what your goals are and people here will help you figure out a good diet/training approach, and if any supplements can give you a hand towards your goals you'll get reccomendations.
my goals are simple, to gain mass when i need to. and be able to cut for summer and etc. For specifics i was looking at Spike because its really hard for me to concentrate sometimes and i feel lethargic at times when i go to the gym so i guess my performance is not so great. So i was thinking about Spike. I don't really like straight caffeine because it gives me jitters and i get very... hyper/ADD almost where i just notice everything. anything in general that would help my performance would be nice. I'm currently taking protein for more than a year or so. Creatine for about 3 months and no benefits from it at all size wize so i might cut that. ZMA sounds good because it sounds like a supplement stack that could help me out. Also i've been taking fish oil.

I'll probably do that, you guys have anythin on Spike? Is it any better than the usual caffeine pill? is it safe/legal?

thanks for the replies

well. i've done some reading up and found that the main "secret" ingredient is sulbutamine. Don't know much about it but there have been a couple forums that praise the supplement sulbutamine, not necesarilly Spike. But since i can't seem to find it anywhere, i will be purchasing Spike pretty soon at a decent price 27$ for 60 caps. I think that should be sufficient. If anyone still has any input on this let me know :D

Wouldn't Dunkin' Donuts coffee work just as well? It's also cheaper and tastes a whole lot better in the morning. Save your money on that stuff and buy more protein.
For Ephedrine/Ephedra based products:
I can tell you that all you need is Ephedrine and Caffeine.  Anything else added to the formula (like green tea) can be a nice sales touch but really ALL you need is the EC.  Go cheap!

For ZMA:
It is overpriced and will only work if you are Zinc deficient.  In fact many people's diets are lacking in Zinc so just buy the lozenges, if you're not sure.  As for the magnesium in the ZMA, it tends to also be lacking (along with potassium) in our diets and it can be bought separate.  Magnesium and Potassium are also dirt-cheap and just don't buy the -oxidate version .
hrmmmm. sounds good, i don't think the Spike is ephedrine based, but thats just what i hear around the forums out there. The info on ZMA sounds good. I think i could probably get the same effects from just getting some good multi-vitamin and i'll be good. thanks for replies :D I'll be getting my spike pretty soon. I'll let you guys know how that goes.

Go to some sites that sell bulk powder and look up nootropics. You'll find tons of concentration enhancing substances. If you buy bulk powders, you'll do great on pricing.

As for natural focus, Bryan's got an article on it somewhere on this site. You also might try what I do, basically just stretching in a sort of meditative way. I just stretch out and plan my workout. Try to calm myself and push aside anything that might be stressing me and distract me. Reaching the point of concentration naturally isn't too hard and it's better than taking something to get there.
hrmmm. i'll take you up on that stretching meditation. But i'm also looking for something that will help me focus throughout the day, not just workout wize. I feel like i've lost all motivation for anything and have been very lazy lately, "senioritis" in highschool i guess. thanks for the tip
Spike[1]: A Cursory Scientific Report

The sports supplement Spike claims to have as the active ingredient: thiamine di(2-methylpropionate) disulfide. This is not a valid substance name and so there is no scientific literature surrounding its use or even any link to anecdotal internet literature. The report in Testosterone website references a Neuroscience Letters paper, which I have electronic access to. This paper does not refer to "thiamine di(2-methylpropionate) disulfide" but to "sulbutiamine". There is ample literature available on this latter name and a superficial summary of what this compound is all about is presented.

Sulbutiamine has been used to treat asthenia[2], a condition of low energy and lethargy usually reported by convelescing patients. There is some evidence that it does work and numerous patents on the preparation of medicaments containing this material. It is not, as yet, regulated by the FDA.

Sulbutiamine is described as a centrally acting cholinergic agent[2]. The prototypical drug of this class is donepezil[3,4] which is used to relieve Parkinson's and Alzheimer symptoms. These drugs are considered acetylcholinesterase (ACE) inhibitors, i.e. they inhibit the destruction of acetylcholine (a stimulating neurotransmittor) in the brain. Increased concentrations of acetylcholine are believed to be responsible for greater alertness, memory and acuity.

Thus, sulbutiamine is a proven ACE inhibitor. ACE inhibitors result in greater brain acetylcholine concentrations which would heighten concentration, memory, alertness, etc. Incidentally, cocaine is a non-reversible binder of the same receptor of acetylcholine.

If the supplement Spike contains an effective dosage of sulbutiamine, then the reported effects are entirely plausible.

Generic name - Brand name
Donepezil - Aricept
Sulbutiamine - Arcalion

[1] http://www.t-nation.com/readTopic.do?id=548437
[2] Shah SN, J Assoc Physicians India. 2003 Sep;51:891-5, "Adjuvant role of vitamin B analogue (sulbutiamine) with anti-infective treatment in infection associated asthenia."
[4] http://www.medicinenet.com/donepezil/article.htm
[3] http://myphlip.pearsoncmg.com/altprod....kid=475

Searches conducted with Scifinder and PubMed.
o my lordy. Thank you so much :)

I actually just ordered a bottle of Spike yesterday. Wouldn't the withdrawal symptoms be crazy? it almost sounds too good to be true since Ach is key in cognition and all.

that little summary was great. I'd just read up on the thiamine and didn't believe it even existed. thanks again Flexus.
