Strength Specific Website?

I was wondering what sites/forums might be suggested for me to research more strength-specific training. This board is great for hypertrophy discussion, but the SST forum section is rather lacking here. I am interested in increasing strength in my lifts even moreso than hypertrophy lately. I may even be interested in competing in powerlifting someday.
There are Olympic lifting and Power lifting forums at TotalElite. They're probably somewhat more active than this forum but not nearly as active as a lot of the more popular bbing forums like the main HST forum.

There are some knowledgeable folks there. The power lifting forum mod trains at Westside Barbell club and Glenn Pendlay is a moderator in the olympic lifting forum.
Good writeup on Westside, Steve. Also interesting stuff about the Atlas stones. I'm not looking to compete in Strongman events, but I'd wondered how they made the things.

Sci, another site to check out can be found at There are quite a few articles if you follow the "The Archives" link. Some by Dave Tate, a well-known Westside guy. Also some by Stephan Korte. A lot of people seem to like to run his strength routines.

They also have a forum. I can't testify as to its quality, but it's probably worth checking out.
Thanks guys. After looking more into what powerlifting is all about, I realized it is not for me. I gained some good ideas from those sites though. Mainly I realized I am right on track with what I am already doing. I am doing basic compounds with heavy linear progression with max-stimulation reps. It seems to be working fine for strength increases as well as hypertrophy.

Once I get more advanced I may also drop frequency to twice/week, add in assistance lifts to strengthen weak points, and possibly go to a 1 max effort day/ submax speed day. It obviously works very well for the westside boys powerlifting. I don't see why the same theory can't be applied to other lifts/strength program besides the BIG THREE powerlifts.
And of course there's Madcow's site:


Interesting observation (to me anyway): I took Mon and Wed off as I had a rotten cold. So tonight (Fri), as I was feeling a whole lot better and after a couple of sets of 5 with 308lbs (140kgs), I tried a max single squat for fun and managed 358lbs (162.7kgs) without too much difficulty. That's a PB for me - never tried a single before though.

Seems HST has been really helping me with my strength without my ever focusing on it. Having a few extra days off sure helped me feel a whole lot fresher and stronger so it might be worth trying for new maxes at the end of a cycle but after taking a few days off. Heavy lifts three times a week definitely take a lot out of me and are not conducive to going for maxes.
(scientific muscle @ Dec. 14 2006,22:49)</div><div id="QUOTEHEAD">QUOTE</div><div id="QUOTE">I was wondering what sites/forums might be suggested for me to research more strength-specific training.  This board is great for hypertrophy discussion, but the SST forum section is rather lacking here.</div>
I have to disagree as I just typed in &quot;Westside&quot; in the searchbox and went &quot;WOW&quot; when TWO PAGES of threads came up!!! This is gonna take some studying.