Supplementing Meals : Liver Tabs and Amino Acids


New Member
I'm wondering if there really is a reason to supplement with liver tabs and amino acids with your meals. Hasn't modern research shown us that the body has it's own way of balancing out the amino acids given to it. Thus, as long as the protein you're taking in is a complete source (meat, milk, good protein powder), any added 'pure amino acids' or 'high quality liver tab protein' is really doing nothing more than adding to your daily amount of protein, not really 'boosting' your proteins usage.

Thanks alot,
with a low protein intake it may have an effect, but its unlikely to have much of an effect on a high protein intake
There is a good study on the Effect of EAA vs. NEAA ingestion and a significant dose response as well.

<a href="" target="_blank">Essential amino acids and muscle protein recovery
from resistance exercise</a>

and also in this study, but this doesn't delve much into the dose reponse, and it was dealing with resting concentrations after ingestion.

Nonessential amino acids are not necessary to stimulate net muscle protein synthesis in healthy volunteers.

But since the foods and mass majority of Protein Supplements contain the EAA in equal or greater amounts than depicted in the studies it would be my OPINION that Liver Tabs or further EAA supplementation wouldn't be needed.