Supplments clash


New Member
I am taking Pro Lab-N large protien, Creatine. A multivitamen and fish oil tablets.

NOw while taking that, would it be ok to take ZMA, and 1 AD androdiol??
Simply because of the fact that you are having to ask if it is OK to take 1ad you should not be taking it....
They are OK to take together but you don't really need the ZMA. That is just some hype brought to you by Victor Conte and Balco Labs to separate you from your money. If you take a decent multi, you will get enough of those minerals anyway.
I tried both ZMA & ZMA with tribulus only because I'm closing in on 40 yrs old. I was hoping for an increase in my "T" levels. As we know, they drop fast after 30. To summarize my experience; WASTE OFF MONEY
Save your money an purchase a quality protein. As for the Andro, I tried the cream. I only used it for a week on workout days. It left me feeling iratible. Search the net; type in the truth about andro. A study was conducted and it showed andro converted to estrogen even with Saw Palmetto and Chrysin.
When purchasing a product, just remember the "teins"; Protein, glutamine, & creatine.
I personally feel that protein, creatine, and multi-vitamins will cover all your bases and are all you really need.

After that, i guess the next step would be AAS if you're that determined to spend money on muscle.
[b said:
Quote[/b] (Old and Grey @ Jan. 06 2005,10:57)]They are OK to take together but you don't really need the ZMA. That is just some hype brought to you by Victor Conte and Balco Labs to separate you from your money. If you take a decent multi, you will get enough of those minerals anyway.
I know what you mean about Conte not being an honest guy, but I think ZMA has strong evidence that it does work somewhat. I already take vitamins regularly and whenever I started taking ZMA, a few days later I would get pretty bad acne on my back. If thats not a sign that it raises test, what is?

I'm not saying I recommend it, for me the side effects, notably acne, outweight any benefits.