Hello,I have started lifting weights 3 years ago. I was 90kg in 2009 :

For the last 3 years, I have been lifting weights mostly working the chest, some biceps and shoulders and I add legs and abs 6 months ago. In average, I guess I worked out one time a week. I had poor discipline and nutrition but I tried hard to decrease junk foods with good success (and I'm starting to learn nutrition), this is me right now (contracted) :

I weigh 83.5kg with 17% BF according to my BIA but I don't think it's very accurate (what's your estimation of my BF ?).Today, I found my 15RM (reps x kgs) :
Bench press 15x60
Squat 15x40 (first time I do squat)
Incline BP 15x40
Lateral raise 15x5 (wow I'm really weak !)
Dual axis overhead press 15x50 (I tried barbell shoulder press first but it was a disaster, I had problem to do correct movements)
Cable Straight Back Seated Row 15x45.5
Seated Crunch 15x75
Deadlifts 15x25 (first time I do DL)
I guess I'll do those exercices for my first cycle unless you advise me otherwise.My main goal right now is to reach 10% BF without losing too much muscle. After reaching that goal, I will be focusing on getting bigger.I don't care much about strength and I have a lot of time to train and learn. I don't know yet if I will go workout everyday (doing half of my program) or do the standard M/W/F.About the fat loss, I have started IF a few days ago. It seems very efficient. So far, I have lost 0.5kg but it doesn't mean much (it could be water). I don't know yet my maintenance calories intake, I'm 1m91 high and 26y old. I need to learn how much protein/carbs/fat I need to take during workout days and during rest days.

For the last 3 years, I have been lifting weights mostly working the chest, some biceps and shoulders and I add legs and abs 6 months ago. In average, I guess I worked out one time a week. I had poor discipline and nutrition but I tried hard to decrease junk foods with good success (and I'm starting to learn nutrition), this is me right now (contracted) :

I weigh 83.5kg with 17% BF according to my BIA but I don't think it's very accurate (what's your estimation of my BF ?).Today, I found my 15RM (reps x kgs) :
Bench press 15x60
Squat 15x40 (first time I do squat)
Incline BP 15x40
Lateral raise 15x5 (wow I'm really weak !)
Dual axis overhead press 15x50 (I tried barbell shoulder press first but it was a disaster, I had problem to do correct movements)
Cable Straight Back Seated Row 15x45.5
Seated Crunch 15x75
Deadlifts 15x25 (first time I do DL)
I guess I'll do those exercices for my first cycle unless you advise me otherwise.My main goal right now is to reach 10% BF without losing too much muscle. After reaching that goal, I will be focusing on getting bigger.I don't care much about strength and I have a lot of time to train and learn. I don't know yet if I will go workout everyday (doing half of my program) or do the standard M/W/F.About the fat loss, I have started IF a few days ago. It seems very efficient. So far, I have lost 0.5kg but it doesn't mean much (it could be water). I don't know yet my maintenance calories intake, I'm 1m91 high and 26y old. I need to learn how much protein/carbs/fat I need to take during workout days and during rest days.