Taking fatburners with creatine..

Hello fellow HSTers,

I've been asking around if I can take fatburners while on Creatine.
Some are saying "yes, go ahead, might as well burn some fat at the same time".

Others are saying "no", and are saying that fatburners will get rid of the excess water within the muscle, and that creatine & fatburners sort of "cancel" each out...

Creatine mix I am taking now has these ingredients:
Creatine (10g)
Calcium Carbonate
Malic Acid
Vitamin C
Potassium, Sodium, & Magnesium Phosphate
as well mix of Maltodextrin, Galactose, Dextrose, & D- Ribose

Fat burner has these (per 3 a day):
Citrus Aurantium 550mg
Green Tea Extract 850mg
White Willow Bark 75mg
Hydroxy Citric Acid 350mg
Cayenne 37.5mg
Ginger 60mg
Chromium Chelate 1500mcg

Got more than a little extra right now on the ol belly welly, and would like to take the fatburners but don't want to do it if will effect the creatine results..
Would really appreciate some honest & perhaps, some scientific feedback on this, thank you:)