To dextrose or not to dextrose.


New Member
Ok, anyone who had read through the articles on this site knows that we should be doing our post workout shake before our workout. Then follow it up after the workout with another protein shake...preferrably a slow protein, right?

This article was informative and rings true, however, the conclusion it came to was start with Primer and finish with Driver. Well for those of us who still use cheap mainstream whey protein, we typically were told to add x amount of dextrose to it in our post workout shake. Well, does that still apply if I am taking my post workout shake pre-workout? And should I still be adding dextrose to the shake I take after my workout too? Seems like a lot of sugar to me.

carb = sugar

well, I use dextrose pre and post workout...there are folkes who report betther fat-free gains with complex oats...but 1. I dont think there is a huge difference and 2. do you really want to at crappy oats to thank you... I want to drink it, not to chew it...