
New Member
I wonder if someone can tell me, what will do the job better - anti-estrogen or aromatize inhibitor while using TRIBESTAN ("real" tribulus extract!)? Arimidex, Clomid? i`m little confused here... Well, TRIBESTAN should increase natural testosterone ( +40%) , increase LH ( +72%) and estradiol(+80%). Like BRyan said, no gyno and bloating etc. reported.
"The body is seemingly up-regulating aromatization to accommodate for the increase in LH and testosterone. No studies have been done to date to support this but from the changes in testosterone and estradiol respectively I would say there is a good chance this is in fact what is happening."
That`s what he said, and body-builder EMERIC DELZEG said something similar : "If Tribestan is so powerful and increases your own testosterone production, does it aromatize? Can you get "gyno" (bitch tits) from taking it?
Absolutely not. In fact, the opposite is true. Tribestan is so amazing because it will normalize estrogen levels in the body. If your estrogen levels are too high, it will decrease them to normal levels. And if they are too low, Tribestan will raise them to normal levels. Most people are leery of heightened estrogen levels, but if they are too low they can go into a catabolic state more easily."
Still, Bryan recommends aromatize inhibitor :"Although Chrysin has not exactly performed as expected, if you take enough of it you should be able to reduce the amount of aromatization caused by tribulus extract and hopefully increase testosterone levels slightly more. 1.5 -2 grams per day is a good place to start with Chrysin. Obviously an aromatase inhibitor like Arimidex would be perfect if you have access to it. ½ tablet per day would be sufficient for the first week, then ½ tablet every other day for the duration of time using tribulus extract should be enough."
So , should I take Arimidex or something like it, or I should take Clomid ? Why should I not take some of these?
As I already said, I dont know much about aromatize inhibitors and anti-estrogens. If Arimidex would help to increase test. level slightly , would Clomid do it better? As I red , Clomid is both used for test. stimulation and anti-estrogen . Arimidex is aromatize inhibitor , but doesn`t stimulate testosterone.
What will be the better choise ? I`m really confused?!
Dear Vladimir,

The path to much muscle is not as simple as boosting testosterone with Tribulus and inhibiting aromatization of testosterone.

Even if such were to occur, one's testosterone levels would skyrocket, and this itself has a negative feedback inhibition on your body's natural testosterone production and receptiveness to testosterone.

This shutting-down of testosterone production and down-regulation of androgen receptors will result in your having to take more of the product to get the desired effects, and a vicious cycle of diminishing testosterone returns can occur.

It must be noted that Tribulus does boost testosterone levels but it still stays within normal physiological limits. You are not going to get supraphysiological levels of testosterone with Tribulus. Usually, supraphysiological levels of testosterone are achieved via syringe and needle supplementation, if you get my drift.

Perhaps, it is best you reconsider the use of Tribulus altogether. Make sure you are sufficient in zinc (oysters, fruit and veg), magnesium (green leafy vegetables, fresh fruit) and saturated fat (several whole eggs a day would do the trick).

In short, forego the Tribulus. Spend your money on quality protein powder and creatine. And if you want to do more than that, invest in a multi-spectrum anti-oxidant formula.

Godspeed, and happy HSTing.