under setpoint


New Member
I'm not experienced in dieting but for this cycle i'm trying to cut.I'm fairly lean (surely under 10%) and after 2 weeks of dieting i'm 66kg (weight), 167cm (height).
During previous sd I figured my mainteinance to be about 2100-2200 cals and this sounds reeasonable as during cycle before I ate 2800/day without waist size increase.

I workout 6/week adding 15-20 mins cardio at the end,extimated maintainance should be 2500-2600 (but at this time i doubt)
I started dec 29 at 67.5kg from around 2000 cals and lowered until 1700.I had 1day at 2300 and then back to diet.

Now i'm 66 and I'm having troubles going lower. I think i reached my set point and my body starts fighting.
Next week i will go at 1600 (veggies included) and i will see if I can go at 65.5 in a week.

My question is about refeeds, should i have them or not?
Sticking to the diet is not a problem for me as i have found a meal planning that leaves me quite full and almost never hungry.Given my bf and condition anyway could they be beneficial?

If I had to refeed how often?
I was thinking to take one day at extimated maintainance cals (2500) to leave a consistent weekly deficit.How does it sounds?
Also I have no idea how to set up a refeed (where shoul i get the extra cals from and when) ;considering that i'm not on a really low carb (around 100g/day macros 40%P30%F30%C)
I shouldn't need a massive carbup should I?

I would like to really thanks everyone is still reading at this point, don't bother passing over but any help will be greatly appreciated