Waist is 73cm/28.7" (was 80cm/31.4" when I was fat)Measurements?
Do you train first thing in the morning?I'm on a more aggressive body recomp for now - eat more on workout days (which are full body workouts on Mo-Wd-Fr), eat slightly below maintenance on rest days. Never measured calories/grams, judging by the progress only.
Yesterday's legs flexed @BW 63.4 kg (139.7 lb) (the one with quads on the right has toes more out)
Legs are looking good, man!
On gym days 3 times per week, no, I break my fast fairly big (pro+cho+fat+vits+cre) and then work out 55-60 minutes later in a full body fashion. Eating big pre-workout allows me to drag the workout to as much as needed, which amounts to 2:15-2:20 towards the end of a cycle.Do you train first thing in the morning?
I think I will be doing the same when I decide to slow-bulk with recomping. The only difference (for starters) would be eating for growth for 4 days, and cutting for 3 days out of 7 (i.e. 4+3 as opposed to 3+4 now as I still need to see my abs, hence more days cutting).I think results-based diet adjustment (what you're doing) is definitely more viable for cutting (getting lean) than getting bigger. The carb-water variance throws the scales considerably (depending on your eating scheme), it's hard to be objective about the phenotypical expression of p-ratio etc.
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11147801I assume you have clinical data to support this? Links? Citations?
It's not all black & white - both processes occur pretty much simultaneously, we're analog, not digital. It's the degree that matters. The more time passes since your last food depending on its size, the more you switch to burning the stored fat orchestrated by the dropping levels of insulin, increased gh & glucagon secretion etc.You realise that the food you eat at 12pm is going to be digested for the next 16-24hrs, yes ... ?
It's too early to tell, subjectively I think I have been gaining, mostly on the trapsbut you aren't gaining muscle on that back as far as I can tell. Definition is looking great as the adipose vacates.