Recent content by Hypertrophier

  1. H

    Dual Factor/Single Factor/Supercomensation/etc.

    What the #### is your problem? If you call me again an bilbobeu then you can get the answers yourself. Don´t know what a bilbobeu is, but i don´t want to get insulted by you, just because you are a HST expert. Probably you are just that, a HST expert. Everything else is not known to ya. You...
  2. H

    Dual Factor/Single Factor/Supercomensation/etc.

    Don´t know why you insult me with words nobody knows, but if that´s your style, it´s okay. Do you have any more swear-words in new zealand? And don´t hang up on some words or phrases that i use. And i am pretty sure, that i use words or phrases that you never read. In the internet, there isn´t...
  3. H

    First 5x5 cycle

    Do what you want. Perhaps the first thing is match your input and output.
  4. H

    Dual Factor/Single Factor/Supercomensation/etc.

    The badest thing that can happen, is a person with little knowledge of a topic. You can profit from a person who knows everything of a topic and you can profit from a person who knows nothing. But the person with little topic knowledge is the most dangerous one, because the output doesn´t match...
  5. H

    First 5x5 cycle

    Okay, you know some names, but do you know what they say? You think load and unload is complicated? Every load and unload article deals at first with the history and some filling lines. Summed up, it´s just this: Do something, then do less. That is load and unload. After you load and unload...
  6. H

    First 5x5 cycle

    Hi. I don´t think you know what load and unload means. Also, there is no black or white. So if you compare "teh DF style with teh standard 5x5 program", i think you haven´t understand it at all. Did you ever train this way? Or do you just copy and paste, and do you think that it´s just...
  7. H

    First 5x5 cycle

    3--> True. You load, and then unload. Pretty complicated. ;)
  8. H

    anyone try 912hst?

    Why is it called HST?
  9. H

    anyone try 912hst?

    Is it for muscular hypertrophy?
  10. H

    A 5x5-HST Hybrid

    I didnt´t ment bosox´. As is see, you linked to the 5x5 that i meant. So, do what you wanna do. Just one question. How many times have you used the original 5x5 by smith/starr/madcow without changings?
  11. H

    A 5x5-HST Hybrid

    Cool, you read or didn´t read the 5x5 link from this thread:;st=20 Stick to the linked 5x5 and ya grow like weed. Starr and Smith knew what they did as they wrote their 5x5.
  12. H


    Got some links?
  13. H

    Chad Waterburys Routine and new book

    1. Start training the lagging muscle groups every 48 hours. 2. Don't train to failure during any sets. 3. Minimize the eccentric portion (lower under control in one second or less). 4. Use different parameters for each workout throughout the week. This is imperative. The more profound...
  14. H

    ? for experts

    Hi. What you are going to do shouldn´t be be a problem. In the past I used 2 HST cycles. At the first cycle, I gained 2 pounds of muscle, and some pounds of strength. After the second, i lost the 2 pounds and very much strength. Altogether, i invested 20 weeks of pure time waste. After that i...
  15. H

    15,10,5 each week

    Hi. What you are going to do shouldn´t be be a problem. In the past I used 2 HST cycles. At the first cycle, I gained 2 pounds of muscle, and some pounds of strength. After the second, i lost the 2 pounds and very much strength. Altogether, i invested 20 weeks of pure time waste. After that i...