Recent content by Jester

  1. J

    2016 Log

    Upper focused accessories day 111.8 10min wake-up walk Incline bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x4-112.5@8, @8, @9.5. CG chin-ups, max-stim protocol; 1 x5-bw. 15 x1-bw+30kgs. Last rep was a grinder/@10, telling me I’m in the right spot. Nightmare DLs, 2pumps&rep; 1 x1-120, 170. 4...
  2. J

    2016 Log

    Lower focused accessories day 111.8 5min knees up marching, 5min wake-up walk Block pulls, closer || stance, 6mats, clustered singles; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220, 250, 270, 290, 290, 290. The 290s were grindy but delivered the strain-stimulus I need. There may be value in increasing the...
  3. J

    2016 Log

    Wednesday rest day 111.8 Daily walks 1 x15min
  4. J

    2016 Log

    Bench focused day 112.2 day one of a 5kg cut objective. Just focusing on calories to begin with. I am exhausted this morning, so will have to moderate expectations on performance due to fatigue impact. 10min wake-up walk Bench, pinkies to rings, EMOM singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1–120. 7 x1-130...
  5. J

    2016 Log

    DL focused day 112.5 brought forward a day due to overnight trip with family tonight. Feels higher, probably due to specific foods yesterday and fairly full gut. 10min wake-up walk DL to max, slightly closer || stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220 (hook), 230, 240, 250, 260, 270@10 speed. A...
  6. J

    2016 Log

    Saturdays rest day Daily walks 1 x90min 2 x15min
  7. J

    2016 Log

    Upper focused accessories day Forgot weigh-in 10min wake-up walk Incline bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x5-110@8, @8, @8.5. Load bump to 112.5 next week. CG chin-ups, max-stim protocol; 1 x5-bw. 15 x1-bw+25kgs. Thinking on the best way to progress this one. Nightmare DLs...
  8. J

    2016 Log

    Lower focused assistance day 111.6 10min wake-up walk Block pulls, slightly closer || stance, 6-mats, clustered top set; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220, 250. 6 x1-270. Nice and strong, slightly narrower stance felt good. SSB SQ, sleeves, clustered triples; 1 x3-82, 132, 162@8, 162@8...
  9. J

    2016 Log

    Wednesday rest day 111.6 Daily walks 1 x30min
  10. J

    2016 Log

    Bench focused day 111.6 have hit that soldier-on spot. 10min wake-up walk Bench, pinkies on rings, EMOM clustered singles: 1 x10-70. 1 x3-120. 6 x1-130. Better than last weeks lots of room to improve bar path. Floor press might be worth a sub-in somewhere, even if just for reps. Chin-ups...
  11. J

    2016 Log

    DL focused day 112.0 right flexor/hip is really unhappy. Just waiting for whatever is out of whack to flip into place. Heavily fatigued from work stress. 5min knees-up marching, 5min wake-up walk DL to max, || stance; 1 x5-70, 120. 1 x1-170, 220, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270@9.5, This was an...
  12. J

    2016 Log

    Upper focused assistance day 111.4 work stress continuing to pile up but doing better than last week. 5min knees up marching, 5min wake-up walk Incline press, pinkies on rings; 1 x10-70. 3 x5-110@8.5, @9, @9. CG chin-ups, max-stim protocol; 1 x5-bw. 15 x1-bw+25kgs. Shorter spacing and...
  13. J

    2016 Log

    Lower focused assistance day 111.4 right flexor feeling shit again. I’m forming the view that I’m doing too much sitting while it’s pissed off, which is aggravating it further. Will try to incorporate more standing desk time. 5min knees up marching, 5min wake-up walk DL to heavy top set, ||...
  14. J

    2016 Log

    Wednesday rest day 111.8 Daily walks 1 x15min 1 x30min
  15. J

    2016 Log

    Bench focused day 112.9 feeling a little sluggish but ok. Either way work the way it is until April, I expect stress will have a relevant factor until then. 10min wake-up walk Bench press, clustered singles EMOM, pinkies to rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120. 6 x1-130. The form feels good but I’m...