Recent content by shadowsmythe

  1. S

    Insulin sensitivity

    I'm just wondering how do you determine your insulin sensitivity?
  2. S

    Sample diet

    Just curious what you guys eat. I'm at a weight where I don't have to kill myself to lose weight fast. I'm trying to set up my diet using hsn guidlines, but whenever I eat that "many" carbs (it's only 175g) I feel fat. Maybe it's because of the high fiber content of each (oatmeal...
  3. S

    carb cycling and HST

    I'm gonna give this approach (carb cycling) a try. One, it'll be easier in a sense, cause I have to eat in the chow hall, so It'll be hard for me to count calories exactly. I'll use the same approach that TP gave to Arbitro (I know he posts on, but not sure if he posts here)...