2016 Log

Heavy DL and SQ day

Skipped weigh-in. Feeling meh.

5min wake-up walk, 5min knees up marching.

DL to max, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 250, 260, 270@9. Very smooth but skipping up to 250 at this time in the morning was lazy. Feet slightly closer this week, just inside hips. Leg drive getting stronger. Belt position is a bit lower atm, not sure how I feel about it yet.

Back offs; 2 x2-240. Couldn’t quite find my groove on these. Probably just top set fatigue.

SSB SQ triples, sleeves; 1 x5-82. 1 x3-132, 162, 172@8. Easier than last week. Will give 182 a crack if rested next Monday.

Back offs; 1 x8-142. Probably should have done 10. Next week.

SSB GMs, beltless; 2 x10-142. I made sure to get the weight forward and not drop hips, finally finding the stimulus effect feeling on hammies. Should be good from here.

Standing pulley abs, bar behind legs; 3 x10-55kg. I think I’m going to add at least a mini and at balance out the strength curve as the second half of the rep is fairly easy compared to breaking the plates.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Bench and second DL day

111.2 too heavy but quads are not is my improving the last month

10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100, 120. 1 x1-130, 135, 135, 135. Not quite in the groove today.

45deg pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 1 x5-bw+15kgs. 5 x4-bw+30kgs@9.5, @9.5, @10, @10, @10reset. Not the greatest reps.
Probably just fatigued from yesterday.

DL to heavy triple, || stance; 1 x1-170, 200, 220, 230. 1 x3-240@9. Pretty good reps. Making sure to keep viewing the bar as I bend it provide consistency in set up, and likewise drop the knees but not hips.

2ct pause sink-bench backoff; 1x5-100. Pressed for time but will do more of this next time. Tightness in the left shoulder still there and I could feel it being released by these reps

WG pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. Moving back to thumbs around grip, seems to create a happier path so long as grip endurance holds.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Lower dominant assistance day


5min wake up walk, 5min knees up marching

DL, || stance, heavy singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220. 5 x1-250. Slack pull lost a bit of fire on the 5th single but generally good. Moved the belt back up to a higher position. Will keep varying that session to session to find the spot I like most.

3ct SSB SQ, triples; 1 x5-82. 1 x1-132. 2 x3-152@7-8ish.

Chin-ups; 1 x5-bw. 3 x5-bw+20kgs.

3ct Bench, index on rings; 1 x5-70. 4 x3-100.

12mat deficit Jefferson curls; 3 x8-150.

SG hypers, #6 50 deg; 2 x8-90. These were great with toes up and also pulled/slipped whatever is/was off in my left shoulder back into a happier place.
Standing banded abs, heels braced; 2 x15-IE blue band.

Daily walks
2 x30min
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Upper dominant assistance day

112.5 feeling very bloated and puffy generally. Obviously a need to tighten up in places. Would prefer to settle back to around 108.

10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120@8, 125@9, 125@9.
Seal rows, pinkies on rings, reset reps; 1 x10-70. 3 x5-100.
Neck extensions; 1 x20-15kgs. 3 x20-30kgs.
Giant set.

CG bench; 1 x5-105@9, x4-105@9.5, x5-100@9.
BB rows, medium grip; 3 x6-140@9, @9, @9.

Belt squats, SSB stance; 2 x12-125. Mental note to add a towel across the arm and put a band on this.

BB curls; 2 x10-45.

SBB step ups, box+12 mats; 2 x10-bw+32kgs.
Seated overhead band extensions; 2 x15-purple band.

WG pull-ups, cluster set; 1 x20-bw. Will add weight next week.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x30min
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DL and SQ day

Skipped weigh-in. Feeling incredibly bloated this morning in the gut. Not sure what I ate to cause it.

5min wake-up walk, 5min knees up marching.

DL to max, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 200, 220 hook, 230, 250, 270@9, 280@9.5. Whoooeeee. First attempt broke but I was too far forward. 2nd was textbook. Things working well.

Back offs: 1 x2-250@8.5.

SSB SQ to heavy triple, sleeves; 1 x5-82. 1 x3-132, 162, 172@8, 1 x2-182@9. Back/hips feeling slightly sensitive so I left one in the tank. Lifetime double PR. Suspect 200 is not far off.

Back offs: 1 x8-142@8. Wanting to stay clear of @10 with this new exposure frequency.

SSB GMs, DL stance width, beltless; 2 x10-142.

Standing pulleys abs; 3 x10-55kgs.
Leg extensions, mind-muscle tempo; 3 x10-30kgs. Weight can go up next week.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Bench and DL back up day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100. 1 x3-120. 1 x1-130, 135. This was crap. New bench isn’t quite as suited to flat back (FID bench) and will take some adjusting.

Back offs, 2ct pause; 2 x2-120@10, 10.

Chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x10-bw. 1 x5-bw+15kgs. 5 x3-bw+30kgs@9, @9, @9, @9.5, @9.5.

DL to heavy triple; 1 x1-170, 220, 230. 1 x3-240@8.5. Happy with the form and slack pull given yesterday’s fatigue.

Incline bench; 2 x10-70, 80.
Chin-ups, cont.; 2 x3-bw+30kgs@9.5, @9.5.

Very happy with the chins and incline. Ideally I’d like to do upper back work all four sessions but that might be too much from a fatigue management perspective. Whether it’s 3 sessions or just Tues-Thurs, I’m not sure yet. Doing it on Monday would also impact bench output on Tuesday I suspect.

Still, 15-20 effective reps 4 times a week could still work if caution was appropriately applied. Vertical on days 1 & 3, horizontal on 2 & 4.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Lower dominant accessories day

111.6 very under slept due to family engagement last night.

5min wake-up walk, 5min knees up marching

DL, || stance, heavy singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220. 5 x1-250. Moved fine but obviously feeling the tiredness. Plus one singles on last week.

3ct SSB SQ, sleeves; 1 x5-82. 1 x1-132. 3 x3-162@8.5, @8.5, @8.5.

3ct bench, index on rings; 1 x5-70. 2 x3-102.5.
Chin-ups; 1 x5-bw. 2 x5-bw+20kgs.

RDL; 2 x5-200.

SG axle hypers, #6 50deg; 2 x8-90. These felt shit. Going to try and make zercher work somehow.

Leg curls; 4 x10-30. Burn felt great. Missed these a lot for years now.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Upper dominant accessories day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 3 x3-120@8.5, @9, @8.

SG BB rows from floor; 1 x10-70. 3 x6-140.

Neck extensions; 1 x20-15kgs. 3 x20-30kgs.
Giant set.

Incline press; 3 x5-100.
BB rows, DL mimic; 3 x6-140.

Belt squats, SSB stance; 2 x15-125+red band.
Standing supine curls; 2 x10-DB+15kgs.

SSB step ups, box+12mats;
Overhead band extensions;

Cut short this superset.

WG pull-ups, clustered singles set; 1 x15-bw+15kgs.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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DL and SQ day

Skipped weigh-in. Feeling a bit flat this morning. Had too much fibre the past few days too. Not the best but comfort right now.

10min wake-up walk.

DL to max, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 250, 270@9, 289@9.5. Head and chin really well tucked. Felt smoother than last week for sure.

Back offs; 1 x2-260@8.5 speed. Great speed and pop but tension/brace would not have done four reps.

SSB to heavy triple, sleeves; 1 x5-82. 1 x3-132, 162, 172@8. 1 x2-182@9. Slightly better depth than last week. I suspect the non-max triple will be there next time.

Back offs; 1 x10-142. Had to mentally check myself for breathing near the end. Got there though. Will repeat a few times and load up by 5kg.

SSB GMs; 2 x10-142. Kept the belt today. It may assist in building breathing capacity on the squats.

Standing pulley abs, SSB behind legs; 3 x10-50, 55, 55.
Leg extensions, mind-muscle reps; 3 x15-30. Tried to add a thin band but it snapped.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Bench and DL day

Skipped weigh-in. Will pick this up on Thursday after fibre is all out of the system. Feeling not great in the gut right now.

10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100. 1 x3-120. 1 x1-125, 130@8.5, 130@9, 130@9. Becoming more familiar with the change in physical bench.

Chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x10-bw. 1 x5-bw+15kgs. 5 x4-bw+30kgs@9, @9, @9, @9, @10.

DL to heavy triple; 1 x1-120, 170, 225, 235. 1 x3-245@8.5. Felt good.

Incline bench; 2 x5-100.

Chin-ups, continuous; 3 x3-bw+25kgs@9, @9.5.
Will see if a third set is warranted based on how I recover on Thursday. Big and busy day ahead, no need to push it today.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Lower dominant assistance day

Forgot weigh-in.

10min wake-up walk

DL, || stance, heavy singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220. 4 x1-260@8-9. All moved fairly well, will add a fifth rep next week. Last one was a tiny bit loose on slack pull technique but otherwise fine.

3ct SSB SQ, sleeves, triples; 1 x5-82. 1 x3-132. 3 x3-162@8, @8.5, @8.

3ct bench, index on rings; 1 x5-72.5. 3
Chin-ups, continuous; 1 x5-bw. 3 x5-bw+20kgs@9, @9, @10.

RDLs; 2 x5-170+IE red shorty bands. These are HARD. Will try to get up to 8 reps over time.

CG hypers, #8 50deg; 2 x9-110. Focusing on hip-thrust esque cuing.

Leg curls; 1 x10-35. Moved the calf roller pad in one notch, feels better.

Daily walks
Nil, work schedule
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Upper dominant assistance day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-72.5. 3 x3-122.5. Second set was great, third set was shit. Still figuring out the new bench feel and positioning.

CG neutral pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 3 x5-bw+15kgs. Did WG for the first set but not sure it’s well suited to going heavier. Plenty in the CG-tank here.

Neck extensions; 1 x20-15kgs. 3 x20, 15, 15-30kgs.
Giant set.

Incline bench; 3 x5-102.5
BB rows; 2 x7-140. SG turtleshell rows; 1 x5-120.
Turtles were much better for everything I’m chasing. Glad I remembered them.

Belt squats, SSB stance; 2 x15-125+red band. Probably need a stronger band here.
Supine curls; 2 x10-DB+15kgs.

SSB step ups, box+12 mats; 2 x10-bw+32kgs.

Overhead band extensions; 1 x20-IE blue band.

WG pull-ups, clustered singles; 1 x20-bw.

Gotta figure this day out a bit more.

Step ups are pretty intense, might prefer to do narrow belt squats after the SSB stance.

Possibly just do all incline for chest and then some seated OHP.

Back work needs some tightening up or a way to make seal rows safer on the new bench.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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DL and SQ day

Skipped weigh-in. Feeling quite sluggish, have not slept well for a while.

10min wake-up walk.

DL to max, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 250, 270, 280@9. Solid rep. Glutes a bit tight/sluggish this morning, might need to be stricter with knees-up marching on the wake-up.

Back offs; 1 x2-260@9.

SSB SQ, sleeves; 1 x5-82. 1 x3-132, 162, 172, 182@9 PR. Been a while since I’ve been able to type that. I’ll take it gladly.

Back offs; 1 x5-152@7. Load bumped, time to build the reps back.

SSB GMs; 2 x6-152.

Chin-ups, clustered singles; 1 x5-bw, bw+20kgs. 3 x1-bw+40kgs. 12 x1-bw+25kgs.

Standing pulley abs; 3 x10-55.
Leg extensions; 3 x15-35.

I’m going to see if I can manage 4 upper back sessions a week. Volume for each would need to be low. Chasing horizontal strength is not the goal right now, but splitting up vertical pulling and rowing seems to allow me to focus on the different muscles of emphasis within each.

Just need to warm up/loosen up the glutes a bit more, 290 might have been there today.

Daily walks
2 x15min
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Bench and DL day

Skipped weigh-in.

10min wake-up walk.

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1
X5-100. 1 x1-120, 130, 135, 135. Used my flat bench again while I work on seal rows setup stability with the new one. These were all good.

WG Seal rows, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 5 x5-90. Felt good across everything. Very slow incrementation at this grip width.

DL to heavy triple, || stance; 1 x1-70, 120, 170, 220. 1 x3-250@9. Had to reset reps on account of sweat, even with versa’s.

Incline bench; 2 x4-105.

Standing banded crunches; 2 x20-IE.

Neck extensions, assisted; 2 x10-40.

Daily walks
1 x 30min
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Lower dominant assistance day

111.3. Trying not to hyper-focus on this number as I’m visibly adding muscle on chest, delts and quads atm.

5mins knees-up marching, 5min wake-up walk

DL, || stance, heavy singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 250. 5 x1-260. Felt pretty easy across.

3ct SSB SQ, sleeves; 1 x3-132. 3 x3-162@7.5, @7.5, @7.5. Probably could chip 5mins of rest time off, from across the collective rest periods.

3ct bench, index on rings; 1 x5-70. 4 x3-102.5. Starting to figure out leg drive a bit better than previously.
Chin-ups, continuous; 1 x5-bw. 4 x5-bw+20kgs.

RDLs; 3 x5-200. Not sure if straight weight or the band is better. But definitely want three sets at RIR1-2.

CG hypers, #8 50deg; 3 x9-100.

Leg curls; 3 x10-35.
Standing banded crunches; 3 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
1 x15min
1 x60min
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Upper dominant assistance day


Skipped wake-up walk.

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-72.5. 3 x3-122.5. Slightly better form than last week on the new bench. Slowly but surely coming along.

Seated DLs, box+12 mats; 1 x5-170. 3 x5-220. Felt good, took a few minutes to find my old groove. Will see how recovery goes for the Monday max pull. If it’s not an issue then they’ll stay in.

Incline bench; 3 x5-102.5
SG turtleshell rows; 3 x8-120. Load bump next session. These were great.

Belt squats, SSB stance; 3 x15-125+red band.
Upright rows, shoulder grip; 2 x5-70. Felt shit on the left side, stopped at 2. I’m thinking seated OHP next time.
Neck extensions, full ROM; 3 x12-30.
Giant set.

Belt squats, narrow stance, knees over toes; 2 x15-100.
Supine curls; 2 x10-DB+15kgs.
Overhead band extensions; 2 x20-IE blue band.
Giant set.

WG Pull-ups, lean back; 3 x5-bw. Kind of like a seal row but as a pull-up.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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DL and SQ day

110.9 tired from a weekend camping, lots of soreness. Will see how things go.

5mins knees up marching, 5min wake-up walk

DL to max, || stance; 1 x10-70. 1 x1-120, 170, 220, 250, 270, 280@9.5. No more reps in the tank but it was only slow, and not a grinder with a sticking point. Stronger squats are helping for sure. Slack pull was only so-so on the 280.

Back offs; 2 x2-260@9.

Practicing a slightly more pronounced upper back rounding with higher belt. Some beltless work may help strengthen this position. Something to think on.

SSB SQ to heavy triple, sleeves; 1 x5-82. 1 x3-132, 162@6.5, 172@7.5. 1 x1-182@7.5, 202@9.5 lifetime PR. Felt like I wanted to knock it off this week. No sticking points, was slightly too upright but corrected fairly easily.

Chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x5-bw.

SSB SQ sleeves, back offs; 1 x5-152@8. Started losing brace endurance around here so left it at 5.

Chin-ups, reset reps; 1 x3-bw+20kgs.

SSB GMs; 1 x6-152. Keeping plenty in the tank, aiming for the glutes, adductors and hamstrings to get stretched at a heavy load, rather than the movement pattern to mechanical failure.

Chin-ups, reset reps; 4 x2-bw+40kgs@9.5, @9.5, @9.5, @10. 1 x5-bw+20kgs@9.

Standing pulley abs; 2 x10-55kgs.
Leg extensions; 2 x20-35kgs.

Daily walks
1 x45min
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Bench and DL day

111.3 slept terribly.

10min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100. 1 x1-120, 130, 140. Just shy of a proper touch and pause. Reduced the singles today, not feeling amazing when I’m this tired.

Seal rows, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 4 x5-90.

DL to heavy triple, || stance; 1 x1-70, 120, 170, 220. 1 x3-250@9.

Incline bench; 3 x5-105.
Neck extensions, assisted; 3 x10-40.
Standing banded crunches; 3 x25-IE blue band.
Giant set.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Lower dominant assistance day


5min knees up marching, 5min wake-up walk

DL, || stance, heavy singles; 1 x10-70. 1 x1–120, 170, 220 (hook), 250. 5 x1-260. Moved the belt lower and kept my feet within hips. Lots of leg drive and felt like I had 280 fatigued in the tank.

3ct SSB SQ, sleeves; 1 x5-82. 1 x3-132. 2 x4-162@7.5, @8. Back to 3 triples with a load bump next week. Felt good albeit fatigued.

Chin-ups, continuous; 1 x5-bw. 4 x4-bw+25kgs@9.5, @9.5, @9.5, @10.
3ct bench, index on rings; 1 x5-70. 4 x3-102.5. Getting it together here.

RDLs; 3 x4-200. These were really damn hard. Probably have to suck the ego up and lower it to 180 or 190. Not sure I’m getting much out this low rep per set situation, beyond bracing.

SG hypers, #7 50 deg; 3 x8-100. More stamina required.

Leg curls; 3 x15-35.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Upper dominant assistance day


10min wake-up walk

Bench, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 4 x3-122.5. Starting to get a lot better rep technique consistency on the new bench.

SG Turtleshell rows; 1 x5-120. 4 x5-130.

Incline bench; 3 x6-102.5
CG axle hypers, #8 45deg; 3 x5-100. All lower back. Re-inspired by Rubish doing them on IG.

Belt squats, SSB stance; 2 x15-125+red band.
Seated OHP; 2 x12-50.
WG pull-ups, lean back; 2 x8-bw.
Giant set.

Belt squats, narrow stance; 1 x15-100.
Neck extensions, full ROM; 1 x15-30kgs.
Preacher curls;
Overhead band extensions; 1 x20-IE blue band.
Giant set.

Cut short but happy with this session structure and exercise selection. Hypers need some more load.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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