2016 Log

Volume lower day

110.7 lost a few minutes being slower out of bed.

10min knees up marching
Hanging leg raises; 1 x10-bw.

DL, medium-V stance, heels focal point, beltless; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. 5 x4-220. 6th set back next week with a proper start time.

Belt squats, lean-over style, paused; 3 x10-115. Found a good rhythm and position on these.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw.

SSB GMs, beltless; 3 x12-112.

Zercher squats, cambered bar, 12 mat height; 2 x10-70.
Standing banded abs, bar behind legs; 2 x20-IE blue band.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Upper volume day


5min wake up walk

Bench, index to rings; 1 x10-70. 6 x4-120@8, @8, @8, @8, @8, @8.
45deg pull-ups; 1 x10-bw. 5 x5-bw+15kgs @8, @8, @8, @8, @8, @8.
Neck extensions; 3 x10-30kgs.
Giant set.

Seated DLs, 6mats+6EVA; 2 x12-170.

Deficit push-ups, paused; 3 x12-bw.
CG chin-ups; 3 x10-bw.
CG axle hypers, #1 50deg; 3 x20-50kgs.
Giant set.

SG high pulls; 2 x10-70. I like these, will aim to do more.

Daily walks
1 x15min
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Arms &abs day

Skipped weigh in

Seated supine DB curls; 3 x12-DB+10kgs.
Seated overhead band extensions; 3 x20-Rogue green band.

Sit-ups, bent knees, abs only; 1 x25-bw.

Daily walks
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Max effort lower day

110.9 right knee is still very messed up and swollen.

10min knees up marching
Hanging leg raises; 1 x10-bw.

DL to max, medium-V stance, heels focal point: 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120. 1 x1-170, 220 hook, 230, 240, 250, 260, 270. Got there on the 2nd go, was too far over on the first. Better and tighter than last week. Maybe a smidge faster.

Deficit RDLs, 12mats, beltless; 3 x7-170.

Buffalo box squats; 3 x3-100. Probably didn’t get a helluva out of these. Trying to see what the knees can handle. Figured it out on the 3rd set, locking the knees in place better.

CG axle hypers, #1 50deg, tempo controlled; 3 x12-80. Probably closer to the effect I want with 90kgs, and just exerting greater control.

Standing banded abs, bar behind legs; 3 x20-IE blue band.

SSB split squats, 12mat front foot elevation; 2x12-32. Doing these with just the bar. It gave a reasonable indication of what the right knee is capable of. Which is not a huge amount.
Hanging leg raises; 2 x15-bw.

Reasonably ‘ok’ session. The ME was good. Box squats were a waste of time given the setup needed. Will stick to belt squats as they feel a lot safer and hit the quads properly. It will just be a slow curve back to injury free.

Monday hypers were too light.

Possibly want some box pulls in there for the overload exposure.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Max effort upper day


5min wake-up walk

Bench to max, index on rings; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-100. 1 x1-120, 130, 135, 140, 140-FAIL. Got out of the groove. Not sure if the Saturday morning arms stuff is the right idea. Friday nights might be better.

Chin-ups, rest pause reps; 1 x10-bw. 1 x5-bw+15kgs. 3 x4-bw+30kgs@10, @10, @10, @10, @10.

Larsen bench; 3 x8-100.
Chin-ups, continuous; 3 x10-bw.

Daily walks
1 x30min
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Volume lower day

110.6 a day early due to colonoscopy on Friday morning and prep tomorrow. Definitely can feel the less-recovered state missing that extra day’s rest.

5mins knees up marching

DL, medium-V, heels focal point, beltless; 1 x10-70. 1 x5-120, 170. 20 x1-220. Practiced my leveraged slack pull once I got past the first few and had some fluidity.

Belt squats, paused; 3 x100-15.
Hanging leg raises; 3 x15-bw.

Nordics assisted; 4 x15-bw+rogue green band.
Standing banded abs, bar behind legs; 4 x20-IE blue band.

BB rows, pinkies on rings, versa’s; 2 x10-120. Felt really good to do these again. They are definitely going to come back in for volume.
Belt squats, paused; 2 x15-100.

Hanging leg raises feel like they are contributing negatively to lat fatigue on the upper day immediately subsequent to them. I will try subbing them out for the sit-ups and maybe doing them on upper days, or just Saturday mornings perhaps.

Nordics felt surprisingly fantastic on the right knee with its swelling, which somewhat confirms for me I’ve impacted the bursa sac. Movement was relatively unimpaired until dropping below parallel on belt squats. Found a good technique with slight lower back arch and getting the adductors more involved.

Happy overall.

Daily walks
1 x30min
1 x45min
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