Well-Known Member
Wednesday 04 December 2024 @ 04:15hrs
Leg Day - Training Protocol (1 x AMRAP): The single working set rep target is 6 reps (unless stated after the exercise) with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE
• Single Leg Extensions (2) | | - 50kgs x 10
• Single Leg Extensions (2) / \ - 50kgs x 10
• Single Leg Extensions (2) \ / - 50kgs x 10
• Standing Leg Curls (2) - 40kgs x 5
• Seated Single Leg Curls - 39kgs x 6
• Prone Single Leg Curls - 36kgs x 5
• Seated Abductor Machine - 82.5kgs x 6
• Seated Adductor Machine - 82.5kgs x 6
• 45° Leg Press^ - 120kgs x 6
Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved the load will be increased on the next workout
* failed on the concentric portion on the next rep
** failed to control the eccentric portion on the last rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance
Leg Day - Training Protocol (1 x AMRAP): The single working set rep target is 6 reps (unless stated after the exercise) with all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE
• Single Leg Extensions (2) | | - 50kgs x 10
• Single Leg Extensions (2) / \ - 50kgs x 10
• Single Leg Extensions (2) \ / - 50kgs x 10
• Standing Leg Curls (2) - 40kgs x 5
• Seated Single Leg Curls - 39kgs x 6
• Prone Single Leg Curls - 36kgs x 5
• Seated Abductor Machine - 82.5kgs x 6
• Seated Adductor Machine - 82.5kgs x 6
• 45° Leg Press^ - 120kgs x 6
Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved the load will be increased on the next workout
* failed on the concentric portion on the next rep
** failed to control the eccentric portion on the last rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance