mickc1965 training log

Sunday 20 October 2024 @ 16:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Dips

88.8kgs (BW) x 8+2+2+2+2+2

Note - BW is fully clothed, warm up sets performed on assisted dip machine

• H2L Cable Flies on Machine 1

25kgs (12.5kgs per hand) x 8+4+3+3+3+3

• Lateral Raise Machine

50kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Rear Delt Machine

66kgs x 8+4+3+3+2+2

• Cable Tricep Pushdowns on Machine 1

32.5kgs x 8+4+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
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Monday 21 October 2024 @ 03:25hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Seated Narrow Grip (V Bar) Cable Rows

72.5kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown with Angles 90

72.5kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Straight Arm Pulldown on Cable Machine 2 with bear grip attachment

55.3kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Smith Machine Kelso Shrugs with Versa Gripps**

40kgs x 8+3+3+3+2+2

• Cable (Machine 1) Bayesian Curls

15kgs (per hand) x 6+3+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout

** no allowance for any machine resistance
Tuesday 22 October 2024 @ 11:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Legs & Core Day

• Leg Extensions on Machine 2

91kgs x 8+4+3+2+2+2

• Standing Leg Curls on Machine 2

26kgs (per leg) x 8+4+3+3+3+3

• Seated Abductor Machine

61kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Seated Adductor Machine

61kgs x 8+3+3+3+2+2

• Hanging Knee Raises

BW x 6+3+3+2+2+2

• Rope Oblique Crunch on Machine 2

25kgs (per side) x 8+3+3+3+3+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Wednesday 23 October 2024 @ 04:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Smith Machine Incline Press**

55kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• L2H Cable Flies on Machine 2

18.1kgs per hand x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Cable OH Rope Tricep Extensions on Machine 2

36.2kgs x 8+4+3+3+3+2

• Lateral Raise Machine

50.125kgs x 8+3+3+3+3+2

• Rear Delt Machine

66.125kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout

** no allowance for any machine resistance
Thursday 24 October 2024 @ 04:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Chest Supported Unilateral Rows with Versa Gripps**

86kgs x 8+2+2+2+2+2

• High Pulley Unilateral Lat Pulldown with Angles 90**

76kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+1

• Straight Arm Pulldown on Cable Machine 2 with bear grip attachment

55.8kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Smith Machine Kelso Shrugs**

45kgs x 8+2+2+2+2+2

• Hammer Curls on Cable Machine 2 with bear grip attachment

45.3kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout

** no allowance for any machine resistance
Friday 25 October 2024 @ 04:00hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Leg Day

• Leg Extensions on Machine 2

91.5kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Prone Leg Curls

46.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Seated Abductor Machine

61.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Seated Adductor Machine

61.5kgs x 8+3+2+3+2+2

• Sissy Squat Bench Machine (2.5:0:2.5:0)

BW x 8+2+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout
Sunday 27 October 2024 @ 04:20hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Flat Bench Press on Smith Machine**

51kgs x 8+3+3+3+2+2

• Pec Fly Machine

59kgs x 8+3+3+3+3+2

• Lateral Raise Machine

50.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Rear Delt Machine

66.5kgs x 7+3+3+2+2+2

• Cable Tricep Extensions with Bear Grip attachment on Machine 2

36.2kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout

** no allowance for any machine resistance
Monday 28 October 2024 @ 04:15hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Pull Day

• Seated Medium Grip Cable Rows with Angles 90

73kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Wide Grip Lat Pulldown with Angles 90

62.3kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Straight Arm Pulldown on Cable Machine 2

56.3kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Smith Machine Kelso Shrugs**

50kgs x 8+2+2+2+2+2

• Cable Machine Curls on Machine 2

31.2kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased next workout

** no allowance for any machine resistance
Tuesday 29 October 2024 @ 09:30hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 6-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Leg Day

• Leg Extensions on Machine 2

92kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Seated Leg Curls

59.5kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Seated Abductor Machine

62kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Seated Adductor Machine

62kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Sissy Squat Bench Machine (3:0:2:0)

BW x 8+3+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased (micro loads) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** no allowance for any machine resistance
Thursday 31 October 2024 @ 12:20hrs

Training Protocol - Rest Pause
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 6-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

Push Day

• Dips

89.9kgs (BW) x 7+2+2+2+2+2

Note - BW is fully clothed, warm up sets performed on assisted dip machine

• H2L Cable Flies on Machine 2

36.2kgs (18.1kgs per hand) x 8+3+3+3+2+2

• Cable Tricep Pushdowns on Machine 2

36.2kgs x 8+4+4+3+3+3

• Lateral Raise Machine

51kgs x 7+3+3+2+2+2

• Rear Delt Machine

66.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased (micro loads) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** no allowance for any machine resistance
Friday 01 November 2024 @ 09:10hrs

Pull Day, Training Protocol - Rest Pause:
2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 6-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• Seated Narrow Grip (V Bar) Cable Rows with Versa Gripps

73kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown with Versa Gripps

74kgs x 5+2+2+2+2+2

Did not use Angles 90 as felt not enough supination with them, significant drop off so that’s probably true

• Straight Arm Pulldown on Cable Machine 2 with bear grip attachment

56.4kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

• Smith Machine Kelso Shrugs**

55kgs x 8+2+2+2+2+2

• Bayesian Curls on Cable Machine 2

27.2kgs (per hand) x 6+3+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased (micro loads) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** no allowance for any machine resistance
Saturday 02 November 2024 @ 07:30hrs (following a 12hr night shift)

Leg Day - Training Protocol (Rest Pause): 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 6-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• Leg Extensions on Machine 2

92.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Standing Leg Curls on Machine 2

26.5kgs (per leg) x 7+3+2+2+2+2

• Seated Abductor Machine

62.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Seated Adductor Machine

62.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Sissy Squat Bench Machine (3:0:2:0)

BW x 8+3+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased (micro loads) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** no allowance for any machine resistance
Sunday 03 November 2024 @ 14:15hrs

Push Day - Training Protocol (Rest Pause)
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 6-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• Smith Machine Incline Press^

60kgs x 8+2+2+1+1+1

• L2H Cable Flies on Machine 2

18.6kgs per hand x 6+2*+2+3+2+2

• Cable OH Rope Tricep Extensions on Machine 2

36.7kgs x 8+4+3+3+2+2

• Lateral Raise Machine

50.5kgs x 8+3+3+2+2+2

• Rear Delt Machine

67kgs x 8+3+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased (micro loads) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** failed the concentric on the next rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance
Tuesday 05 November 2024 @ 13:15hrs

Pull Day - Training Protocol (Rest Pause):
2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, 1st working set will be in the 6-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise) followed by 5 rest pause sets (~10 seconds rest between each set), all reps will be ~5 seconds (focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise) and all sets will be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• Chest Supported Unilateral Rows^

87kgs x 8+2+2+2+2+1*

• High Pulley Unilateral Lat Pulldown with Versa Gripps^

77kgs x 8+2+2+2+2+2

• Straight Arm Pulldown on Cable Machine 2 with bear grip attachment

57.4kgs x 8+2+2+2+2+2

• Smith Machine Kelso Shrugs^

60kgs x 7+2+2+2+2+2

• Hammer Curls on Cable Machine 2 with bear grip attachment

49.8kgs x 6+2+2+2+2+2

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved on the 1st set the load will be increased (micro loads) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** failed the concentric on the next rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance
Wednesday 06 November 2024 @ 09:30hrs

Leg Day - Training Protocol (1 x AMRAP)
: 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, the single working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise), all reps will be ~5 seconds focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise), all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• Leg Extensions \ / 2 - 85kgs x 8

• Leg Extensions / \ 2 - 85kgs x 6

• Leg Extensions | | 2 - 85kgs x 8

• Standing Leg Curls 2 - 27.5kgs (per leg) x 8

• Seated Leg Curls - 60kgs x 8

• Prone Leg Curls - 47kgs x 7

• Seated Abductor Machine - 63kgs x 8

• Seated Adductor Machine - 63kgs x 8

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved the load will be increased (micro loads) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** failed the concentric on the next rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance
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Thursday 07 November 2024 @ 10:00hrs

Push Day - Training Protocol (1 x AMRAP):
2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, the single working set will be in the 6-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise), all reps will be ~5 seconds focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise), all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• Smith Machine Incline Press^ - 61kgs x 8

• Smith Machine Flat Press^ - 52kgs x 8

• Dips - 88.7kgs (BW) x 8

Note - BW is fully clothed, warm up sets performed on assisted dip machine

• Lateral Raise Machine - 51kgs x 8

• Rear Delt Machine - 67.5kgs x 8

• OH Tricep Extensions 2 - 37.2kgs x 8

• Cable Tricep Extensions 2 - 36.7kgs x 8

• Cable Tricep Pushdowns 2 - 36.7kgs x 8

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved the load will be increased (micro loads) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** failed the concentric on the next rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance
Friday 08 November 2024 @ 07:45hrs (following a 12 hour night shift)

Pull Day - Training Protocol (1 x AMRAP): 2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, the single working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise), all reps will be ~5 seconds focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise), all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• V Bar Cable Rows - 77kgs x 8

• Medium Grip Cable Rows - 77kgs x 8

• Supinated Grip Cable Row - 54.4kgs x 8

• Straight Arm Lat Pulldown 2 - 57.9kgs x 8

• Smith Machine Kelso Shrugs^ - 60kgs x 8

• Cable Hammer Curls 2 - 49.8kgs x 8

• Cable Straight Bar Curls 2 - 36.2kgs x 7

• Cable Bayesian Curls 2 - 27.2kgs x 5

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved the load will be increased (micro loads once true 8rm is found) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** failed the concentric on the next rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance
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Saturday 09 November 2024 @ 23:10hrs

Leg Day - Training Protocol (1 x AMRAP):
2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, the single working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise), all reps will be ~5 seconds focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise), all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• Leg Extensions / \ 2 - 85kgs x 8

• Leg Extensions \ / 2 - 87.5kgs x 8

• Leg Extensions | | 2 - 87.5kgs x 8

• Standing Leg Curls 2 - 30kgs x 8

• Seated Leg Curls - 60.5kgs x 8

• Prone Leg Curls - 47kgs x 8

• Seated Abductor Machine - 65kgs x 8

• Seated Adductor Machine - 65kgs x 8

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved the load will be increased (micro loads once true 8rm is found) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** failed the concentric on the next rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance
Sunday 10 November 2024 @ 22:20hrs

Push Day - Training Protocol (1 x AMRAP):
2x warm up sets (~50% & ~75%) per exercise, the single working set will be in the 4-8 rep range (unless stated after the exercise), all reps will be ~5 seconds focusing on TUT on the eccentric phase, tempo 4:0:1:0 unless stated otherwise, all sets to be performed to TECHNICAL FAILURE

• Smith Machine Incline Press^ - 62.5kgs x 8

• Smith Machine Flat Press^ - 55kgs x 8

• Dips - 89.6kgs (BW) x 7

Note - BW is fully clothed, warm up sets performed on assisted dip

• Lateral Raise Machine - 51.5kgs x 8

• Rear Delt Machine - 68kgs x 8

• OH Tricep Extensions 2 - 40.8kgs x 8

• Cable Tricep Extensions 2 - 40.8kgs x 8

• Cable Tricep Pushdowns 2 - 40.8kgs x 8

Progression Protocol: Once the max target reps are achieved the load will be increased (micro loads once true 8rm is found) on the next workout

* failed TUT on the next rep
** failed the concentric on the next rep
^ no allowance for any machine resistance