help with set no's pls


New Member
OK here's a real beginner Qn:

i'm doing 1-2 sets per body part for my workouts. But, when it gets to the final day of a mesocycle (e.g 15s) and i lift my 15/10/5RM do i only do 1 set?

In other words, if the xRM takes me to failure then would i do a second set?

Sorry if this sounds confusing and thanks for any help
I'll blame this double post on my computer....
:D Hiya, Gladiator and welcome!

Typically, in RM range for 15's, I'll get 12 reps on the second set, for tens about 8. You can try using rep speed as an indicator of "doneness" on that second set. When the rep speed is noticably slower than your first rep of the set, you are done!

Failure won't kill ya or even mess up your workouts. What it can do with the type of frequency we use in HST, is "fry" your nervous system, possibly shortening your present cycle through injury or illness.

In other words, we try to avoid failure but not "like the plague". ;)

It is not neccessary to hit your rep maxes to make this program work. Most likely your strength (and therefor you maxes) will increase as you progress through your program.

What drives HST is a timely increase of mechanical load in the proper amount. The number of repetitions is a function of the load you are using.

Happy hypertrophy!