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  1. B

    Why do my Friends grow. And Im not?

    I'd chalk it up to black magic. Have you tried eating more?
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    Why higher rep ranges for beginners?

    read the FAQ's/this site.
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    well, you'd be missing out on the hypertrophic stimulus of the 10's. It'd make your cycle much shorter, but, assumably, more effective because you stay "farther" ahead of the RBE, at least at first.
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    Supplement choice are is it a choice

    increase carbs, cut down volume, you'll feel better.
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    Why did I grow from HIT?

    I'm just wondering because I'm doing a 5x5 routine that is more strength-based. I wonder if doing something like tricep extensions (for a set or two) after 5x5 of bench is counterproductive as far as strength is concerned.
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    Why did I grow from HIT?

    stress slows down strength gains? How so?
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    carbs for the brain

    ah... so I see thermodynamics are different for you?
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    Best tasting protein powder?

    Eh, I have, and it wasn't all that smooth and creamy. :confused:
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    Study: 1 set vs 3

    eh, I don't pay much attention to those studies. Although I appreciate the attempt, it is so hard to control ANYTHING that it generally means very little.
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    HST ABS Discussion

    you won't be able to lose body fat while gaining muscle. As we have told you. Furthermore, no amount of sit-ups, crunches, sidebends or ab-rollers will reduce fat on or around your stomach.
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    Ill and wana know why

    um... go to a doctor?
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    protein when cutting

    yes you can. Lower calories more. I think a big reason taht low carb works is because most people eat so many carbs that by cutting out carbs, they just aren't eating much. Lower your calories (or increase cardio) enough, and you'll lose fat. Thermodynamics
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    Customizing HST

    sorry to join the party late, but Jules, is it necessary to do the metabolic stuff the same day as the strain-related stuff? For example, I'm not doing HST, I'm lifting 5x5 on Monday and Friday. Could I only add burn sets on Wednesday, or is there something particularly important about doing the...
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    Customizing HST

    sorry to join the party late, but Jules, is it necessary to do the metabolic stuff the same day as the strain-related stuff? For example, I'm not doing HST, I'm lifting 5x5 on Monday and Friday. Could I only add burn sets on Wednesday, or is there something particularly important about doing the...
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    pre/post work out shakes

    well for one thing, the glutamine and amino acids are redundant. They are both in whey.
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    It's like meat...sort of.

    sounds delicious. Not. Looks like I'll stick to chicken, salmon, and beef.
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    Workout Drink

    I dunno, I was doing about the same thing and getting out in an hour. How many sets are you doing? It might help to tighten it up Squat or Dead Press of some sort Chin Row Hamstrings Triceps (optional) Biceps (optional) Calves done.
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    Driver / Primer Products

    dude he just answered that.