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  1. B

    My Proposed 6-Day Routine

    yea I would really prefer the twice a day but with school, it's really not an option unless I'd wake up around 4:30 in the morning, in which case I wouldnt know what the hell I was doing in the weightroom anyway. I'm definately willing to compromise volume if this is wearing me out. I know for...
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    My Proposed 6-Day Routine

    only COW juice.
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    My Proposed 6-Day Routine

    As far as incrementing, I plan to do each workout twice, so I'll end up spending 2 weeks still on each rep phase (15, 10, 5). This is kinda high volume, around 12 sets 6 times a week but I plan to stay away from failure and to eat a lot. I'm bulking and I feel like with my level of activity...
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    My Proposed 6-Day Routine

    Well, perhaps inspired by Vicious and OneMoreRep, I've decided to try a 6 day week HST routine, resting on the 7th day (like God.) Basketball season is over now so I'll need something to cut into what will seem like an excess of free time. SD will be about 12-14 days before the start of the...
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    Chest Variations

    yeah me too, I just use the lowest angle of incline possible. Unfortunately, this can be different on different adjustable benches.
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    Eccentric contractions = BEST for growth?

    now there's an idea for a t-shirt.
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    Is Creatine worthless ?

    wow. once again, the added endurace/recovery will help your training, which will help your gains. Doing 10 reps of 100 pounds with creatine won't do much more than doing 10 reps of 100 pounds without it, but by taking creatine, ideally, you'd be able to do more reps/sets, etc, therefore...
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    Burn fat and build muscle with HST

    haven't you asked this question about 5 times before? If you're at 20% bodyfat, you shuold be dieting down. At a bodyfat that high, your partitioning of nutrients won't be great, meaning more will be stored as fat rather than muscle than if you were at 10%. Diet.
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    creatine verses v12

    I think you're buying into the marketing hype a little too much. For one thing, loading isn't necessary with creatine monohydrate and most people I know don't do it. Secondly, if you don't take on water-weight, you aren't getting creatine in your muscles! The goal of any creatine product is to...
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    Home built dip station

    looks real good Dan nice and wide. One of the things that bothers me is the variation of dip bars in different gyms. The gym at school has an awful set, it's so narrow I practically have my hands in my pockets when I'm dipping. Did you make that belt too?
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    I know that I, for one, will not waste money on this.
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    I know that I, for one, will not waste money on this.
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    Cant Lose Weight

    umm... first of all, why? second of all, maybe you've found the answer to why you are skinny yet have a gut?
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    Westside Questions

    well, my ideal bench press goal is 900 pounds, but since I can't even do 300, I wouldn't use 450. Use half (or whatever) of what you can actually do. And it's not that big a deal. Do you really think that 7.5 pound difference would matter that much?
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    bingo. I challenge anyone to read Milton and not fall asleep
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    stores selling only 0 carb or 0 protein drinks

    um because then you can create the proper ratios for yourself. People have different needs. Something tells me that you'll be able to mix protein powder and carb powder together if you really want to.
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    A Health Sc. teacher told me that Grape juice....

    you don't want to make a habit of trying to back up things that health teachers say. It's often a wild goose hunt.
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    Pictures everyone?

    boy do I wish