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  1. jvroig

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    Oh, where are my manners? I'm sorry, I totally skipped the part where 9to5 gave a compliment. [I've been having very little rest the past days, working overtime on this stupid freakin' system (my job, I'm a software systems developer, project head), and I'll be up until tomorrow morning for a...
  2. jvroig

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    Has benefits as also already mentioned, like in strength-training for one. No. Failure means you stop the rep because you just can't continue anymore, not because you want to. Metabollic work is a consideration
  3. jvroig

    5x a week

    No. Summation effect. Good thing.
  4. jvroig

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    Dan :D Yes, you are right. Hahaha, i keep on geting confused with questions from threadstarters, it seems. This is just like the thread by Brak, where I told someone, "Dude, that wasn't what Brak said", and then Brak corrected me and said "Uh, dude, that was what I...
  5. jvroig

    HST Article - on bodybuilding site

    Yes. Depending on what you do, there of course may be some benefits or disadvantages, especially as you go to extremes (for example, eating one gigantic meal a day then only a few snacks after that, compared to eating 8 nice meals a day regularly), but the biggest factor is still how much you...
  6. jvroig

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    Hey guys :) Well, nobody really said they were evil. In fact, training to failure, as was already pointed out one time, can have strength-training benefits. The original question merely asked "why, what's up with the last rep that it tends to cause CNS fatigue more than the earlier...
  7. jvroig

    HST Article - on bodybuilding site

    Unless you've been fasting (or in a fasted state, perhaps like after a long sleep), insulin spikes are not significant enough to warrant eating many meals over fewer meals. Still the most significant factor remains the stuff you eat in the 24H period - the total calories and macronutrient ratio...
  8. jvroig

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    Yep, because as I mentioned, no study has actually made it's subject to be "CNS fatigue induced by failure training" or around it. So we don't have any definitive study to lean on yet as "official". However, as of the 2005 report by Dr. Anish, we already get a hint that it...
  9. jvroig

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    Not accurate. You can train with submaximal loads and still recruit all fibers. Can be between 50% - 85% of 1RM, depending on muscle group. In fact, saying "submaximal weights don't recruit all fibers" to imply that "maximum load" is needed raises the question: what, should...
  10. jvroig

    HST Article - on bodybuilding site

    How? Do they say it's supposedly because of amino acid availability in the blood? If that's the case, then still no. As long as you ate something in the last 8 hours (a good meal of course), you most probably still have amino acids in the bloodstream. Possible exceptions to this is if you get...
  11. jvroig

    last wk of first cycle

    Never too old to put on muscle, eh? :) Like Dan said, good job! Looking good at past 40? That is no small achievement. And if the ideas don't work like magic, hey, don't worry, we'll sue somebody kidding! If it doesn't work at all, we'll try to see what the problem is and figure out...
  12. jvroig

    increasing bodyweight exercises.

    Just increment as you would with other exercises. If you aren't very strong yet so you can't do, say, 15 reps on them because it would be impossibly light, then don't do them until you reach the point where you can start off with bodyweight and then add poundage as necessary, whether that's 10...
  13. jvroig

    stretch and load on lats

    The only reason I couldn't do that so I'm still stuck at wide grip lat pulldowns is that the bar for pull-ups is far from my gym equipment (I work out at home). The bar is actually in one end of the hallway inside our house, while my equipment (bench, lat machine, free weights) is outside. I'm...
  14. jvroig

    stretch and load on lats

    The only reason I couldn't do that so I'm still stuck at wide grip lat pulldowns is that the bar for pull-ups is far from my gym equipment (I work out at home). The bar is actually in one end of the hallway inside our house, while my equipment (bench, lat machine, free weights) is outside. I'm...
  15. jvroig

    HST Article - on bodybuilding site

    Thank you. It's my job to debunk "crapola" (as Fausto would call it) and try to clear up things. Sometimes I hit, sometimes I miss because complexity of some stuff gets lost on a lot of folks - I'm still working on trying to better my explanatory skills (try reading my latest post...
  16. jvroig

    HST Principle "Don't train to Failure"

    That's pretty good 9to5. Anyway, for the rest of the guys, this is going to be VERY long so stop readiong now if you aren't interested - this is going to be science, stuff from Nerdlandia; I can't help it, it seems to be what thehamma is asking. So for everybody else, let's meet at a different...
  17. jvroig

    HST Article - on bodybuilding site

    Not an HST article at all. Merely the writer's "personal rulebook" into gaining muscle, which seems more based on his perception of what builds muscle and what doesn't, instead of taking from the abundance of muscle research already available. As a result, he gets some things right...
  18. jvroig

    question on negs

    Yes, that or whatever increment scheme makes you reach your max on negs for the last workout. To make it simple, you can simply continue with whatever increments you are using in your cycle. Not necessarily immediately. Since you generally end with your 5RM before gpoing to negs, the first few...