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  1. jvroig

    Been 4 months with no results..Big help needed

    Probably nothing much will. Contrary to popular belief, you don't need that much protein, in fact, too much protein can hinder gaining mass - the relationship of the proportion of protein to carb intake AND mass gain is a curve, where the most mass gained is when you consume around 15% protein...
  2. jvroig

    Morning Workouts

    Depends on you, really. The lesser the carbs, the better - even if zero; aim for as low as you can. Protein, 20 - 30g is enough - unless you are a 250 pound monster with only 5% bodyfat.
  3. jvroig

    The Look

    Yeah, Van Damme has a great look. Muscular, lean, he just looks like he's full of power.
  4. jvroig

    volume confusion

    Take note that whatever number of reps/sets that were suggested is merely a starting place. You eventually have to know the volume you can manage and still train as frequently. Again, it boils down to managing your own training. Follow the basics first, then monitor your fatigue levels and your...
  5. jvroig

    new hst routine

    As I posted in the results thread, my last three bulking cycles were pretty ok, my muscle gain to fat gain ratio being 1:1.7 (I recall Jules saying something like or a bulking cycle, 1:1 is perfect, 1:2 is good, 1:3 is okay, so I guess I didn't do so badly) My routine is pretty simple: * Bench...
  6. jvroig

    Coming off a cycle...

    What's most important is staying in the heavy weights. If you need to extend this up to six weeks or more, you can repeat each weight load one or two times before incrementing. Then when you reach your max loads and you still need more workouts, stick to them until you finish. It actually takes...
  7. jvroig

    Eating at maintenance, then upping cals

    Yes, around that, more or less. Fat intake should be 25-30% to avoid lowering testosterone levels. As for the protein to carb ratio, for gaining mass, the ratio is around 15% protein and 85% carbs. But that isn't etched in stone as well, you can just as well eat 0.7 - 1.5 kg of protein per...
  8. jvroig

    Eating at maintenance, then upping cals

    Yes, you can eat at maintenance initially then up the cals during the heavier phases. That's okay if your bf isn't low already. 10-15% is a good bet to do that if you wish, since by the time you reach 15%, you should start cutting already, anyway. I'm actually cutting right now, and I'm doing...
  9. jvroig

    Am I really to start with such light weights?

    Zigzag or not, it doesn't matter at all. RBE starts setting in right from the inital bout, true - but the amount of adaptation is a slow process, so working out religiously using the same load for a couple of days or workouts is no problem, or even undulating progressive loading, or habitual...
  10. jvroig

    Quick Question

    You can use the time to cut, so you don't have to take in so much food (especially if your BF is 15% already). Cut dow to as low as 9 or 8%. By that time, you probably have a job already, so you can bulk again (until you reach 15% again, in which case start cutting again). Good luck!
  11. jvroig


    Something like that. But not really calories themselves (as some foods are more enery-dense than others), but more the amount of food that has to be digested. Something I read before I think pointed out that the stomach is more or less emptied in a span of 3 hours (except for fat if you take it...
  12. jvroig

    your results with HST...

    I just had my bodyfat measured using Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, and from the result there I crunched some figures. My last three bulking cycles resulted in me getting a ratio of 1:1.7, muscle to fat gain (1.7 pounds of fat every 1 pound of muscle gained).
  13. jvroig

    Morning Workouts

    Yes, but the primary reason I advised not to eat a lot before the workout is to allow for better fat mobilization, not really the indigestion / throwing-up thing, which is why I said it last.
  14. jvroig

    My Exercises

    Since you've done two cycles already, I guess there would be no harm in changing your routine, so here goes. The best IMOO is still the following: * Bench (or dips, but if you've been doing bench for so long, stick to it unless you've been having problems) * Deadlfits * Squats * Rows * Whatever...
  15. jvroig

    Morning Workouts

    Just get a lot of protein with only a few carbs on your pre workout shake, to allow for more fat mobilization during workout. This won't make you ripped like Jay Cutler magically, but every little thing helps in the long run. Eating a lot and then working out after half an hour also makes me...
  16. jvroig

    HST theory

    Nav is a physicist, I believe.
  17. jvroig

    Perfect HST routine

    Didn't I say that you have to lift heavier if you want to continue growing in the long run? You make almost the same point, here's where I think we are not meeting eye to eye: yes, eventually, after lifting for a long time, most of your growth will come from 8RM up (not an exact figure of...
  18. jvroig

    Perfect HST routine

    Yeah, this part about the heavy weights is the most controversial. Let's see... we understand that we don't really need to bench 200 to get a 40" chest. But some peope actually may need to. It depends on a lot of other individual factors, like height which directly affects the length of...
  19. jvroig

    Merry Christmas

    Yeah, holiday greetings to all! Hey, since we are probably going to stuff ourselves on Christmas eve, it's probably a good idea to do a ton of deadlifts plus some lighter exercises for metabollic work during the afternoon, so the gigantic meal we'll devour later in the evening will be put to...
  20. jvroig

    Different steps for different reps

    I think what you are after is in the Pimp My HST e-book by Jules (Vicious)