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  1. M

    Back At It

    My final thoughts regarding this, taking frequency more into account would be to take the original russian bear but spreading the volume over 6 days instead of 3. Thus alternating dl and bp 3 times a week and rest on Sunday. That looks pretty solid to me and doable in 20 minute workouts, don't...
  2. M

    Back At It

    I got your point. So you basically mean as in power to the People, deadlift and bench press every damn day, 5 days a week motherfuckers! [emoji1] but only 2 sets of 5, one at workweight and the second at 90% of that. I am reading ptp right now, and I get more and more excited to start doing...
  3. M

    Back At It

    Maybe I need to be more precise. It is only one set at 85% for 5 reps. For example you squat 100 kg for 5 but you keep a rep or 2 in the tank. That would be around 85% i guess. After this set, you drop the weight to 80 kg and start doing sets of 5 until you can do no more while keeping good...
  4. M

    Back At It

    Hi guys, been awhile since I last posted here. Thought I make a fresh start, as I am doing with lifting. I haven't touched a weight and lost about 2 kg ever since my daughter was born. That was 3 month ago. I have tried, but I simply could not recover from anything I did due to lack of sleep...
  5. M

    Extreme Minimalist Programming

    This puzzels me as wendlers 531 is highly regarded. I especially like the idea of his boring but big routine except that it's an ul split. I want full body so I cooked up a variation I will post later. Here is a link to the original...
  6. M

    Extreme Minimalist Programming

    I did increase, I meant just not enough. I am still in newb phase where I can keep adding every session. Verstuurd vanaf mijn D5803 met Tapatalk
  7. M

    Extreme Minimalist Programming

    That will depend on time and fatigue at that moment. No more then 50 minutes anyway.
  8. M

    Extreme Minimalist Programming

    Well thank you very much O&G! Actually, I have not been focused on raising my maxes in the past. So all my lifts are pretty low still. I think focussing on strength is what's going to build quality muscle and size the fastest! I might not milk dem gainz but I figure you won't be a like stick...
  9. M

    Extreme Minimalist Programming

    With a baby due very very soon I am thinking about reducing training time further down while still getting bigger and more jacked. In its most basic form I cooked up this full body routine done 3 times a week in alternating A B fashion. Routine A Squat Hang clean and press Routine B...
  10. M

    Increasing Work Capacity In Hst And Volume?

    Hi folks, been awhile but i'm still at it. Recently came accross this article by Greg Nuckols: it states in order to continue progression one should imperatively increase volume overtime. Ok, I see no such thing in HST. It has the...
  11. M

    Advanced Lifter Going To Give Hst A Run

    what do you call very high reps and for which exercises? How to incorporate in a program. During Mass made simple lite you do 5 * 10 for squats increasing weight on each set. Does that count as high rep?
  12. M

    Messed Up Deltoid?

    will keep you posted how this evolves too. I definately used wrong form during the clean, pulling with my arms moving my elbows outwards and thus engaging the deltoids instead of keeping my arms straight and shrugging the weight up. I also found a triggerpoint in the right tricep as well while...
  13. M

    Messed Up Deltoid?

    come tell that to my deltoid. could be computermouse overuse aggravated by cleans with poor form
  14. M

    Messed Up Deltoid?

    I believe it is. As I come to think of it, this seems to be a muscle that is pretty fragile in my case. Moving the arm sideways like when supporting the arm when using a computermouse is also pretty tender feeling. Is this normal? Might have a triggerpoint somewhere there.
  15. M

    Messed Up Deltoid?

    I think I fooked up my right rear deltoid a little bit. When reaching up under your armpit towards the shoulder blade, that area right under feels pretty tender and sore. I believe that is the rear deltoid right? In between shoulder and arm, above the armpit. Makes my shoulder feel hurt too. It...
  16. M

    Mojo Logging

    If anything I can tell you the above workout is seriously brutal! Started the program yesterday and today I am sore all over like I have never been before.
  17. M

    Mojo Logging

    It's that time again brahs for a small update. I basically SD'ed during the holidays and cut my cycle after some 16 weeks or so. Gained about 1lbs last month so that is pretty good. Found out training 3on 1off 2on 1off does not work well when the weights go up and you're pushing PR's so I...
  18. M

    Mojo Logging

    Update, That dere gut flu got back at me. No training since tuesday. My weight is down to 70,1 kg and my waist is approaching a whopping 76 cm. I should be pretty close to 10% BF now. Winter cutting could be making me more prone to illness. I will bring up cals to maintenance during next week...
  19. M

    Should I Bulk Or Cut And For How Long Of Each?

    Borge here says all you need to know on cutting or bulking'
  20. M

    Mojo Logging

    Great, how long are you doing this and what are your results so far?