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  1. T

    Skipping the 15s

    Well, I've jumped into BFS, Westside and 5x5 in the past with no phase to flush lactic acid through the muscles to help restore the connective tissues. Have no problems yet. But I guess it's not always good to follow the rule "cross that bridge when you come to it". I will, though, in...
  2. T

    I drink 1/2 to 3/4 gallon of milk during workout

    Ignorance? No. Indifference is more like it. Maybe pregnant women and infants, but other than that, normal, healthy people don't need to worry about having *gasp* two cans of chunk light tuna daily.
  3. T

    I drink 1/2 to 3/4 gallon of milk during workout

    People are too afraid of things these days. They also warn you of mercury poisoning in canned chunk light tuna, when these are baby fish that haven't had enough time to absorb a lot of mercury into their blood. Even if they do, I don't think anyone has to worry about things like this. Anything...
  4. T

    Protein Intake

    Supposedly, an individual can't utilize much more than 0.8-1.0gP/lb-BW. I don't know how true this or or whatever, but supposedly 15-20% total cals from protein is ideal. That does end up being 0.8-1.0gP/lb. Bryan and Lyle tell us how the excess protein burns calories that could've gone towards...
  5. T

    Massive Eating

    So there is science behind both. I've heard that fats and carbs is bad due to an insulin spike resulting from the carbs, which shuttles fat into storage. This is bad. Basic knowledge of biomechanics, though, seems to tell us otherwise. Fats take awhile to digest, so the spike will have...
  6. T

    Skipping the 15s

    I did HST once before, and obviously did the 15's then. I'm planning a second cycle soon (the last one was done before Summer), in which I'll do the 15's. Maybe on the third cycle, I'll try neglecting the 15's. I'm 17, so I'm sure I can deal with the tension on my joints as opposed to some...
  7. T

    Best Program For Strength...

    What is the general consensus out there for the best routine for strength? I mean, I hear of both Westside and Metal Militia. My goals are size, strength, and then power. I figure I'll use HST to get to my desired size, then use a routine dedicated to strength (not to compete as a PLer, 'cuz I...