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  1. T

    Fat intake while bulking

    Chicken sandwiches with peanut butter? That's fuckin' disgusting. You're nitpicking over excess fat in your diet leading to fat gain, yet you eat ice cream. Something is wrong here.
  2. T

    Fat intake while bulking

    You guys nitpick too much. Keep things simple. It's good to be knowledgable, sure, but don't stress about it. More fats would result in less carbs. Inverse relationship. My fats have gone as high as 35%. I get them from: Red meat, eggs, safflower oil, fish oil. Mostly from red meat and eggs. I...
  3. T

    Caloric requirements and meals

    That's extremely low, but actually makes sense. I think, in general, the recommendations for gaining mass are overrated. If the protein is there, and there is a solid amount of cals, you're fine. But I see people get more muscular by just eating what they normally would every day (which doesn't...
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    Skim MIlk

    You know...I never thought about it. What does cause them? How would one avoid 'em? Also, Aaron, did you ever hear of or do a liver or gallbladder flush?
  5. T

    Caloric requirements and meals

    For a novice, 10 lbs. in a year is not much at all. If a cycle of HST is 10 weeks (8 weeks training, 2 weeks SD) then you can fit five in a year. Roughly I see people gaining a minimum of 4 lbs. in a cycle (lean mass, they normally add like 6-8, but it's obviously not all muscle). If you...
  6. T

    Caloric requirements and meals

    10 lbs. a year isn't ####. Even if you only needed 16 extra calories, you're better off getting more. You can certainly add muscle quicker than that. As for maintaining your muscle, this can usually be done simply by eating adequate protein, training heavy 1x/week, and not starving. The body...
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    Westside Routine - Criticism needed

    Ah, okay. Dangerous for the lower back is what I was talking about. That sounds it on an incline bench? Just your head? That seems like it'd put strain on the neck, then.
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    Diet going nowhere

    dkm, do you have any studies to back the claims? It's hard to see how such a generalization can be made. I would think people could reset their metabolism with a day of refeeding. I've seen Mr. X and SC advocate it, and supposedly they're trustworthy guys. Of course, I'm not going to believe...
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    Westside Routine - Criticism needed

    You'd do max effort for bentover rows? Seems dangerous.
  10. T

    Lifespan, Caloric Intake, and Weight on the frame

    What would you consider excess, Aaron?
  11. T

    Westside Routine - Criticism needed

    I still have to check the site, BigBang. Thanks. Aaron, I'm assuming (since BBS is a WSB advocate) that the link posted assumes SST is PL. Obviously, that's ideal for increasing your three big lifts, but I was looking for principles more along the lines of increasing strength overall. Not just...
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    Westside Routine - Criticism needed

    I still don't know what the SST principles actually are. Anyone care to explain?
  13. T

    Health Essentials

    What's a good brand of those husks? What company? I'll check around, but I'd like to hear what's good.
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    Buying Fish Oil, help... I want to buy fish oil. I know it's better from the body oils, rather than the liver. I use Health From The Sun's flaxseed oil from that same website. Their descrip. of the product says: "Ultra Omega-3 Fish Oil is extracted...
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    Westside Routine - Criticism needed

    BigBang? Aaron, when you get for more time? I really wish we had info on SST. Even if I didn't follow it, I'd love to look at the principles of it.
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    Bryan in ThinkMuscle: Hypertrophy=Strength

    So which did come first then? That's what needs to be decided.
  17. T

    Health Essentials

    So how many V8s should I have a day? How many oz. of them, to be precise? Or any general idea? Also, what's better - Fish Oils to get EPA/DHA or Flax Oil and such?
  18. T

    Health Essentials

    I actually like the taste of V8! Nice! One V8 a day it is. Fiber, huh? Well as of now the fiber I'm getting only comes from potatoes. It only amounts to 12g of fiber though, so I definitely need some more. What should I do to add fiber to my diet without extra calories? The only reason is...
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    Health Essentials

    BoSox - really now?
  20. T

    Health Essentials

    Jesus that was a pretty complete response. :D Awesome man, thanks. That's a lot of fruit and veggies. Those are pretty expensive - that's my only gripe. Bleh.