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  1. T

    Health Essentials

    The most important aspects of health and wellness - what do you think they entail? 1. No use of substances (cigarettes, alcohol, various drugs). 2. Cardiovascular activity 2-3x weekly for a duration of 15-20 minutes minimum to maintain heart health (accurate?). 3. Adequate EFAs (1:1 ratio of...
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    Purified Water

    Off topic - what kind've gains did you make on HST since you started, dkm? How long've you been at it?
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    Purified Water

    You don't believe in any of that? Obviously passing stones like that must mean something good is happening inside you.
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    Purified Water

    DKM, here's a post taken off of in regards to the liver flush: Liver Cleanse By: StrappingYoungLad Copyright © 2003 A TOXIC WORLD The main function of the liver is to detoxify.Perhaps at no time in human history have people lived in as toxic an environment...
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    Purified Water

    I'm not that uptight, just interested. I'm not going to stress about it to the point where my hair falls out. I'd just like to be well-rounded in areas of knowledge, and it caught my interest.
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    Purified Water

    I was reading up on doing colon and liver cleanses. They talk about how regular tap water is usually chlorinated and possibly containing flouride. They recommend using purified water, rather than straight tap water. Firstly, what is purified water exactly? Do they mean bottled, or the type of...
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    Liver Flush

    Has anyone ever done the infamous liver flush? I was thinking of doing it to cleanse my body a bit. I'm starting the ANPB diet tomorrow though, in a quest to lose weight. Should I maybe do the flush first and push the diet back a bit or...what?
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    Fats -- Are saturated really that bad?

    Berardi also recommends seperating carbs and fats, and having me take in at LEAST 4000 cals a day to grow. *Rolls eyes*
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    Excess Calories

    Nice. I plan to use 2700 + veggies. I plan on having six meals a day. Either six with steak and potatoes, and a salad at each meal, or four with steak and potatoes, then two others. One with eggs and whole grain/flax bread and one with oats, casein/egg/whey protein powder in some milk or in...
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    Excess Calories

    I'll use myself as an example, since I'm the one I'm concerned with. 6', 170 lbs., maybe 14% BF (estimate, never had it tested once). Mediocre metabolism. 17 years old, so it may be revved up a bit, but in general I think I fall under mesomorphic. Now, I'm sedentary besides when I lift. My job...
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    Bryan in ThinkMuscle: Hypertrophy=Strength

    They could always have more FFM due to being stronger, and the strength leading to size, not the other way around.
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    Doubling calories once a week

    I think you're thinking of low-carb bulking, such as using a CKD. I could be wrong though. Refeeding (which is usually OVERfeeding, at the same time) once every 3-4 days to create a perfect anabolic enviroment, while using fat as your source of fuel. BodyByFinaplix uses this method as well as...
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    Meat & Potatoes

    That's actually a pretty good idea, Lance. I can switch the diet, keeping the same macros, bi-weekly or something.
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    Meat & Potatoes

    Alright, so the only drawback is the repetitiveness of the same food. I'll use eggs in the AM, and maybe bread. I'll probably throw in some ketchup. Maybe some chicken and brown rice in another meal. I'll try to mix it up. Is 20xBW bad, you guys? I mean...I'm a 17 year old meso, and I know it...
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    Meat & Potatoes

    I didn't have a problem with consuming the shakes all the time. My real issue was with the reliability. It hasn't been tested before, and I'm afraid it won't work and I'd be wasting my time. I'd rather stick with something that is a surefire way to make progress. Variety is the spice of life...
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    Meat & Potatoes

    Would there be any health drawbacks to using meat and potatoes as a staple (or even as the entire source) of a diet? Six meals a day, every three hours. 6 oz. steak, and 1.5 potatoes per meal. 20xBW in calories. Veggies added with every meal. Mr. X (for those that know of him and his site...
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    Lifespan, Caloric Intake, and Weight on the frame

    Good to know. :D Or is it...?
  18. T

    Skipping the 15s

    HST still isn't perfected, though the use of the 15s probably varies person-to-person. I'd say the first week is pretty useless. The later week proves to be challenging and stimulating enough. I'd think most people should adopt the idea of one week of 15's only. Although, since it would end up...