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    in my opinion, i suggest you find your RMs on monday (bryan suggests a day for a RM e.g. find 15rm for Monday, 10RM tuestday...etc but if you're in a hurry to lift some weights, find them all in one day ) *you really need a long rest after doing intense workouts in order for the HST cycle to...
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    i got the same question as boggy... i'm bulking and would it be wise to consume less fruit since fructose are taken up by the liver? or the total carbs is all that matters as long as pre and post workout would consist most of dextrose/maltodextrin? and throughout the day the fruits can come in...
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    Mixing HST and Holistic Training?

    i don't trust that site's articles at all
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    Newbie or Longtimer?

    i'll get pics and stats when i'm not ashamed of showing it anymore not yet worthy of having my picture taken. but gains are amazing :D my username will soon change to NOTSKINNYMANANYMORE. yeah thanks a lot bryan. without your research i would've probably still be this stick dood i used to be.
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    My next routine!

    i've had it before, stopped deads and now resumed it and felt it again. what the hell is that spark on my lower back? ok i guess i'll have no lower back exercise this cycle.. just concentrating on developing to treetrunk legs. thanks a lot
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    banana with whey post workout?

    is banana okay for bulking? it's so easy to eat a banana and packed with a lot of carbs
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    My next routine!

    ok just another update.. when i did deadlifts early this morning... i felt a spark twitch on my lower back. like some sparkplug that turned on. it must be the engine of my body lol but it hurts. and i don't want to continue deadlifts anymore.. i'm transfering to squats.. since the quadriceps are...
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    PLs. critique my diet

    hey guys. i'm getting most of my carbs from white bread. is that ok? i get about 200g+ from that. it has a little saturated fat on it. but it tastes better than wheat bread and has more carbs in in it. (and it's easier to chew.. rather than chewing the hard grains from the wheat bread) what do...
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    Olive Oil for calories

    hi guys when do you drink your olive oils? morning before WO? or whatever time .. does it matter anyway?
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    protein bar

    totenz - wow good idea about cooking your own bars. i think i want to learn how to cook now! hmmm...chewing bars while driving ... what about fast food? what do you think about those? (as long as you don't eat them everyday i think that's fine?) high in protein and high in fat
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    My next routine!

    totenz - yes i'm using over/under hand grips dkm - ok i think i'll cut back to 15 reps for deadlifts. it kills. thanks a lot guys. i appreciate it.
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    My next routine!

    just an update... i did 20 reps total in my deadlifts early this morning and it is so hard to do. i did 15 reps first set then added 5 more reps. and dkm said to keep total reps to 20 althroughout the cycle.. when i'm in the 5s already... do you guys think i can still do 20 reps total? plus...
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    protein bar

    how about oatmeal bars? :D comments? are they crap too? when traveling a lot ... i can't bring my loaves of bread.
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    PLs. critique my diet

    that ratio because... it said in the diet and nutrition article in the FAQ that 1g protein per pound is already enough. :) and i just adjust the carb and fat ratio to compensate.
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    PLs. critique my diet

    yeah 23 times my weight is good! it's because i gained only 2 pounds in one cycle from my diet of 2900 calories.. my metabolism is a cheeta. i'll be doing HIIT once or twice(if schedule allows) anyway to burn the stubborn fat away. okay bosox. thanks for the tip i'll try to find natural...
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    repeating W/O (10RM block) Is it OK?

    al and hammer - bryan says stick to the 5RM to maximize the gains you may get from that weight. you must do drops to get a burn and activate that erk1/2 something thing i don't really understand. the burn will be more painful than in the 15s. read in the FAQ about dropsets Dropsets and high rep...
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    PLs. critique my diet

    ok here's the 3500 diet... check it out. somewhere in the FAQ it says in HST one can gain 1lb-2lbs a week so i want thAT!! i'm now 152 lbs.. 3500 calories to gain weight massively 640 calories from protein (160g) 18% 1995 calories from carbo (498g) 57% 875 calories from fat (97g) 25% okay my...
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    Any DC Users Out There?

    yes DC users eat really high level of protein. that's why i don't like to do DC...i like high carbs and moderate protein too
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    16 and back 2 use HST!!!

    like dkm said, everyday is okay as long as you're not overtrained. and about that 1-2lbs a week thing, just make sure you eat BIG. i'm taking my calories really high this cycle because i've never experienced an 8-10lb gain in one HST cycle logging what you eat will help. use
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    I want to, but I dont get it

    yeah it's the 15RM .. for ex. you're 15RM for hammer curls is 100lbs( ) then you start your 1st 15s week with a lighter load like 75-80-85-90-95-100 or 90-90-95-95-100-100 FAQ setting up the HST cycle FAQ