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  1. S

    Bulking with low carbs

    did the low carb bulk give you the same results as the high carb bulk? how low was it? i want to do that too but if i lower my carbs..i'd have to up my fat intake...that means...more olive oil!?!? yeahhh cutting cycles make me hungry.. and grumpy
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    lying down after eating

    i've been told that lying down after eating will make your stomach bulge out beer-belly type. i laughed at this but it seems the older people around keep on stressing that this is true. i got scolded for laughing at their beliefs . all i know is a caloric surplus is the only thing that can get...
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    ok that's it for using the search button... lol i thought of replying here than making a new thread for just one simple question
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    cutting diet plateu

    i've been on a 500 calorie deficit for 6 weeks now. so with the stuff you guys said, i should 1.take an "SD" and eat at maintainance for a week and when i start cutting again.. 2. do refeeds is that it? :) or shall i build-up some muscle first (HST style, +500 cals) before cutting...
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    cutting diet plateu

    how long does it take for the body to adjust to the caloric deficit and eventually stop losing fat? i've been in a cutting diet for 6 weeks. it seems i've hit a wall. i don't know.. i'm confused!!
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    where did you guys learn this diet? can you cite any realiable source please :)
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    Bulking with low carbs

    tcup - what percentage of carbs intake makes you feel bloated? 50% of total calorie intake? i always feel bloated when i eat alot of carbs. but i'll just gonna take it all off when i cut.
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    Cutting Diet

    diet and nutrition then scroll down :)
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    Low Carb

    i'm glad to read that post . :D however, i'd prefer to eat those sweet bananas
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    Low Carb

    i'm now cutting and i'm reaaallly getting grumpy. i think i'll up my carbs a little more and leave the fat burning to cardio.
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    Creatine and cutting

    would you have a more defined body w/o creatine during cutting since there is less water in your muscles? :confused:
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    Ideas for Cycle #2

    what do you plan to do when you get into the 3s? i think it'll be tough to work all thouse in a day when it comes to your 3s week. :confused: are you going to incorporate burn sets?
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    Strength, Mass, and Alcohol

    i drink a bottle or two every 2 weeks. that's it :D and i don't think it's affecting my progress
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    glycogen depletion in boxing

    i take taekwondo class on mondays after working out . it's so tiring my body screams for carbs. you really do got to eat a lot of carbs or else you'll feel very depleted. not to mention i eat a hundred calories more than the usual workout days since sparring burns away some calories too. just...
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    Olive Oil for calories

    i don't think you need to bother about that... ........ in cutting, do you guys add more olive oil since carbs go way down to 100g? As long as total calories have a 500cal deficit? I"m planning to that since olive oil is my only source of fat besides lean meat (i don't eat chicken skin...
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    dealing with fatigue

    hi did the same thing today. It's good that i finished everything but i have no idea why standing hammer curls still make me sweat like jogging for 30 minutes. (i'm on 5s now).
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    dealing with fatigue

    i don't think it's with the diet. i only ate rice, beef, pasta, banana, and tuna . + protein shake. wasn't really stress.. but i'm thinking about the sleep. but i did get about 6 hours sleep (as i always do everyday). although i was feeling sleepy during my physics class.. hmmm.. could've been...
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    dealing with fatigue

    this happened just a while ago.. i'm only doing four workouts today.. and i did it in this order inclined bicep curls (dumbells) inclined bench press (smyth) skullcrushers lat pulldowns i felt really exhausted after the first two workouts. i felt like i just finished jogging for 30 minutes...
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    my progress....

    yeah now i haven't gained wait but things are looking a lot more larger. i have no idea why. i think it's the cheap weighing scale's fault. just as long as you can see a good difference in the mirror ...then you're doing great! try taking before and after pictures.
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    Eat Fat or skip meal ?

    soo we can eat junk on weekends? mmmm quarter pounder....