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  1. S

    2 HSTs Questions

    2) especially during the 5s, you won't be experiencing the pump anymore. that's why you should add drop sets or partials or static holds or whatever makes it burn :D
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    cluster HST and 912 Hst

    i sort of tried 912 to cut but i got sick (not because of 912) i liked the 12 days of cutting down rather than spending 2 months on a diet. :)
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    Guide to lean bulking

    so what do you guys think about my next plan? 500 over maintenance on WO days and 100 over maintenance on OFF days (cardio HIIT style or traditional 30 min cardio)
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    i'm sick

    hey i'm sick and i reaaally have no appetite sheesh all the hard work are now gone
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    Guide to lean bulking

    yeah i know gaining muscle w/o gaining fat is impossible..sad ectoman - how much weight did you put with 500 over maintenance? how was your diet on the off days? :)
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    Guide to lean bulking

    all of us of course doesn't want to get too fat because of a wrong way of doing a bulking cycle. we want to stay as lean AS POSSIBLE so we'll still look good without our clothes. ;) is it OKAY when doing a "bulking cycle" to eat a little above maintainance during OFF days and do HIIT...
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    I think creatine may be responsible for my nerve

    how does a nerve entrapment syndrome feel like? ;) i think that's the one i feel when i do deadlifts.. :confused:
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    cluster HST and 912 Hst

    do you see the cuts ripping out from your body? :) how long did it take? 12 days working out straight and 9 day SD?
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    Skipping the 15s

    do you think the 15s is okay to skip given that warmups during the 10s and 5s are done properly? ;)
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    cluster HST and 912 Hst

    i think 912 is not recommended for those competing because i don't think 912 doesn't spare too much muscle. well this week i've lost 2 pounds and i've read that losing more than 1.5lbs a week will cost muscle. but it's a really fast way to lose pounds. question max, can i do cardio during the...
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    cluster HST and 912 Hst

    wow i think i'll give 912 a try since i'm now cutting and it's been i think 3 weeks and i just lot 2 pounds!!it's so slow!! i can't wait to bulk again. did i understand correctly that 912HST requires a deficit of 500-2000 cals (obviously depends on the person)?. i agree. working with 1rm is...
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    cluster HST and 912 Hst

    wow i think i'll give 912 a try since i'm now cutting and it's been i think 3 weeks and i just lot 2 pounds!!it's so slow!! i can't wait to bulk again. did i understand correctly that 912HST requires a deficit of 500-2000 cals (obviously depends on the person)?. i agree. working with 1rm is...
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    Skipping the 15's ?

    at the FAQ there's this link about the negatives
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    To the man who just turned 60

    hey happy birthday! just to let you know... you're a lot healthier than my 48 yr old dad! [he can't lift weights heavier than 10 lbs] good job!
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    Wrist Injury, HELP ME

    hmm... just an update... i tried going back to bicep curls and there again.. i think a tendon just popped out and misplaced intself (then jumps back again to its original place after dropping the ezcurlbar).. geeeeez got to get this checked again. has anyone ever experienced this before?
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    Bryan - Gain or lose first?

    hmmm..thanks for the post.. i'll give higher frequency + cardio a try. .. btw, cardio is evil :mad:
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    Caffeine and L-Tyrosine

    techo - you used only caffeine w/o tyrosine? so it still worked? good! I have no idea where i could get tyrosine anyway. how much caffeine did you take? 200mg as said in the faq?
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    Lat pulldown

    hi. i was wondering if different kinds of grips of lat pulldown namely closgrip, wide grip, and wide grip but pulldown behind the head, would be okay to use with HST principles given that all are done in the same day? or.. will they interfere with each other's weight progression because they...
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    Lat pulldown

    hi. i was wondering if different kinds of grips of lat pulldown namely closgrip, wide grip, and wide grip but pulldown behind the head, would be okay to use with HST principles given that all are done in the same day? or.. will they interfere with each other's weight progression because they...
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    Train using shorter movements?

    have you watched ronnie coleman's "the cost of redemption? he also doesn't straighten his arms when he's bench pressing. ... i also have no idea why he does that.. maybe he can't straighten them anymore?everything is too big?