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  1. N

    sweating from ephedrine

    hey folkes I am a person who really quickly starts to sweat, even if its not hot - this is really annoying and if I take ephedrine I do sweat even more! is there anything you can do against sweating when taking a thermogenic? (I have 2 fans blowing in my direction without any success....)
  2. N

    My UD2.0 Experience...

    I guess its not that important that you keep the same wheight during the depletion workout since its to deplete glyko stores and not to set an anabol environnement... ill try to do some hiit today...but know...
  3. N

    good carb/protein mix powders

    yeah but it still tastes ugly as hell if you combine a sweet powder with wather and a choclate/vanilla whey shake - is there any cheap good fruit tasty whey? anything that tastes great in wather?
  4. N

    good carb/protein mix powders

    I am looking for a good carb powder and good whey which you can mix together easily - mostly such mixes taste really nasty because carb powders often have fruit tastes and proteinpowders more the creme kind of tastes - but even if you use neutral carb powder it tastes pretty ugly anyone got a...
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    My UD2.0 Experience...

    okay folkes today was the first ud2.0 day and you know what? it sucks... its really a pain in the @$$ - but listen I havent finished my real diet plan and so I just ate out of my mind today, the first lowcarb/low calorie days I can eat around 1300-1400 kcal which is 50 % of my maintenance...
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    cla and efas

    is there any need to use other efa's if you allready take cla?
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    Nutrient partitioning

    hey my baby, do you have any studdies to support your claim about r-ala/ala? thx
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    losing fat is easy

    how does baby a does his hiit? is there a generell information site? I guess its like 1min joggin, 30 secs sprinting, and that for around 20minutes? there are two problems about it: you should do it in the morning its exhausting, so doing if after workout/day of work is no pleasure
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    School, Work, My Diet, & LBM.

    no - food partitionning...6-8 smaller meals are way betther for your body and development than 3 big ones (because of a lot of reasons i dont want to list here) believe me, (if got work/school as well around 60hrs a week) dieting in such a schedule is way harder then bulking
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    losing fat is easy

    ....hmmm you lost 3kg and just fat...sounds a little bit like a fary tail...anyway about what are we talking? stripping body fat to around 12-15 % is easy...stripping bodyfat and keeping muscle or cut below the 10% is dang hard...maybe your just a genetic freak...
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    Nutrient partitioning

    smart diet routines? smart diet ratios? r-ala/ala? leptigen from avant labs?
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    My UD2.0 Experience...

    have you ever thought about giving it a try for mass gains?
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    sesa thin product from avant laps which contains sesamin a 10x as powerfull fatty acid as fishoil is? are there any studies around? cant find anything....
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    any reviews on it? heard a lot of stuff about it...could anyone give me a short brief?
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    lipoderm-y/ultra/odb vs absolved

    whats exactly the difference between the lipoderm product range and absolved? when to take which for which reason?
  16. N

    Olive Oil for calories

    you could also use fishoil supplements such as the "super epa" tablets - they are cheap and have a really good ratio to get essential fats, the only drawback is that you have to swallow many pills if you want to get more than 5g....
  17. N

    My UD2.0 Experience...

    ok I have to figure out what to eat...this will be the biggest problem, food thats easy prepared and available everywhere it will probably stay the same the first three days because I am to lazy to make variable plans did you eat at maintenacne on the weekend? which ratios did you use? also...
  18. N

    My UD2.0 Experience...

    since my cutting cycle was a little mess, Ill give ud2.0 a try (its not that different than what I did, cycling low and higher carb/calorie days) I will start with the diet in about a week here my question to viper: how did your diet look on the low days? could use some input.. did you use...
  19. N


    Ill read it again therefore...but 1. I do not like to change my workout routine and 2. doing cardio/workouts on ceratin days of the week and eat so and so on certain days is not possible, on thursday I am the whole day in school and cant take food with me...the other days I am working the whole...
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    by the way, whats the name of the page where you get the ud2 e-book? I cant find my edition.... can remember if its for free or if you have to pay for it...