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  1. S

    Support For Higher Reps For Myo Reps

    Calves are surprisingly resilient and can take aLOT hehe...
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    Support For Higher Reps For Myo Reps

    Hhooooooooow do even walk after that XD.. that's awesome haha
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    Off-topic - Trump

    Haha.. I know little to nothing about political stuff, but I will say this. Trump is an odd duck... XD
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    Home... Empty?

    Hmm that's interesting, yeah it did the same for me. I think maybe cos it's on the ThinkMuscle site. Try this, the original site!
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    Rm Formula?

    Ah yep, well said. I guess I mean that they're very different energy systems and so on at the different RM ranges. So someone who has a really great endurance capacity may have a 5RM of 100kg and a 20RM of 50kg, and someone who doesn't have that great endurance can have exact the same 5RM, but...
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    Frequency 2x Per Week Vs 3x And Question About Muscle Hyperplasia

    Mate.. that was incredibly helpful. Thanks so much!! I can definitely vibe with alot of that, and all of it makes sense. -Sleep is absolutely something I could improve on haha.. I actually always am trying to get up earlier in the day as I don't feel great if I sleep too much, but perhaps the...
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    Rm Formula?

    I've always wondered about RM calculations though... I've seen some people's figures, and other people who have a similar 12RM to me have had wildly different 5RMs to me, so I have a feeling it's more to do with individual body types, limb lengths and leverage, muscle fibre composition etc.. but...
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    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Ah yep I was aware (did the calculation), that's still my 4-5RM hehe
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    Rm Formula?

    Hey, I fished through my books and found this. I don't think it's too old a book... 2007ish? It's some equations to figure out your 1RM, but surely if you know your 1RM you can reverse engineer it to figure out your 20RM maybe.. ? But the Mayhew, Ball, and Bowen, 1992 one was designed...
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    Jm Press

    Yeah I really like it, a fair amount of the load is on the triceps, but you can use more weight than skullz. Prefer the feel of an EZ bar though
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    Starting Over From Scratch.

    Mate that weight is like my 4-5RM for that exercise haha so you're doin alright ;)
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    Jm Press

    Hey guys, just wondering if anyone has had much experience with the JM Press, and whether anyone likes them, benefits etc? Was invented by a powerlifter. Have tried them on and off through the years, sometimes the elbows are a slight bit uncomfortable during the movement, but they usually settle...