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  1. S

    Good Alternative For Pulldowns? (too Weak For Pull Ups)

    G'day! Yep, what Browner said I reckon. Otherwise you can build in progression for pullups in the form of a combination of increasing negatives and full reps (eg start with negatives and increasing those reps, then do full reps and negatives, add reps via rest-pause etc). Or simply change to...
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    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Mad respect man haha... I've always admired those who can train that early, don't know how they do it... Do you eat anything beforehand? I'd be dead without some food haha
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    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Ah dang, hope the hip flexor heals! Work around it as best as you can, still got plenty of time before comp hey
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    mickc1965 training log

    Welcome back!! Yes a very trying year for all... hoping you're well :)
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    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Quite enjoy seeing the sort of training you're doing, but up to you :)
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    Russian Hst?

    Yeah I'm still around hehe. I use a few forums on the Tapatalk app and always check in here regularly to see if there are new posts. Oh wow that sounds fascinating... good to see it's being researched and discovered by others that may not have even heard of HST. Must show how sound the...
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    How Are We All Doin?

    Great to hear from you Chris, and that you're well. Yeah work is a tricky one.. and who knows what businesses will survive come out of it. Appreciate that.. yeah everyone has different views on it, and I've really struggled with alot of them, but it's a learning process for me to still be kind...
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    How Are We All Doin?

    Yeah for sure... glad to hear you guys are okay. Yeah it's such a difficult thing and something we've never faced... and there's always gonna be a tradeoff. Way I see it is the alternative (having no lockdowns) the consequences would be horrendous... but absolutely I know what you mean. The...
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    How Are We All Doin?

    In Victoria, Australia. The rest of Aus is doing pretty okay, but our state is bonkers right now haha.. It's alot of fun, and I think really healthy to take a break from strict organised training every now and then. Boosts motivation with the exploration; intuitive training may not be the most...
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    How Are We All Doin?

    Ah thanks heaps, yeah weve definitely entered a second wave. There were massive outbreaks and the daily number of new cases was rising quickly, reached a height of 725 in a single day or so, so we had to put the metro/city into full lockdown, stage 4 restrictions and with a curfew too. Regional...
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    How Are We All Doin?

    Hey! Yeah been very slow! Also still checking haha. Still training here, moreso than ever before haha. Things have gotten pretty bad in our state so we've been put back into pretty heavy lockdown which is understandable.. I keep getting sick so had to be tested twice already for Covid.. first...
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    How Are We All Doin?

    Just checking how everyone is in this crazy world at the moment... All healthy? How's training going? Hoping you're all well and safe.
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    Calculator Broke?

    Just tried it nup not working for me either! Just comes up with like a jigsaw puzzle piece in the middle. Is that a plugin related thing? Dunno
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    Protein Ideas/suggestions For Max Hypertrophy

    Nice, also curious what others say.. But I'd go mince. Chicken mince, turkey mince. Pretty cheap, and easy to mix in rice and eat alot of. I've been doing this and adding a honey mustard sauce *drools*... May need to go nuts with the protein powder if shooting for 300g... but I remember...
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    Body Weight Exercises

    Welcome to the forum! Yep, what O&G said. In the early 15s what I did was use a movement that mimics it closely, eg close grip underhand pulldowns (if you have a pulldown machine). Otherwise inverted rows are an option too, progressing from that to full chins, but 15RM for chins is pretty good...
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    Creative Exercises At Home - Quarantine Edition

    Old school ;) Tree logs are always good too!
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    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Hey man! Great to hear from ya! Has been ages... yeah I'm still around checking the forums haha. Yeah all's well here, still in stage 3 restrictions here in Aus. Such a bizarre time huh... how are you guys holding up? Have just been home alot obviously, I'm a homebod anyway so I've actually...
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    Creative Exercises At Home - Quarantine Edition

    Very insightful @mikeynov, very well said :)
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    Is The "box Car" Analogy True?

    Thanks Bryan appreciate it, yeah guess there's no hard and fast rule, but what you say makes sense.
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    Creative Exercises At Home - Quarantine Edition

    This is truly awesome @mikeynov, thanks for this!! Never heard of this, it's given me ideas... very creative! Don't have a dip belt, but could figure out something. How would you say it loads the body, more on quads less on lower back? (Similar to leg press?) And I also hope you and everyone...