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  1. S

    Pullup Grip Width

    Just did pullups yesterday, tried a variety of widths, definitely feels awkward doing the really wide grip, so will go for a medium-wide to medium (not shoulder width). Far out, only did 3 little clusters of 5 reps each after my SD, and lats are soooooooore haha
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    mickc1965 training log

    Ah cool, was that what the physio suggested or just what you feel helps? Good for getting blood flow and strengthening up the joint. Curious what the physio recommended, and I guess depends on the injury
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    mickc1965 training log

    Ah crap... sorry to hear mate, take it easy on that leg, hope the extent of the damage isn't too bad and that it heals up soon
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    Browners New Powerlifting Log

    Sorry to hear mate, always tricky... hope it all sorts out. As one door closes... :)
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    Differential Effects Of Attentional Focus Strategies During Long-term Resistance Training.

    Hehe yeah I think we've discussed this before hey ;). Something about it makes sense, as to me if the load is taken on by other muscles, they're getting the brunt of the tension. Not so much that they're fatiguing faster, but because OTHERS aren't fatiguing BEFORE it unnecessarily. Agreed that...
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    Back to Basics

    Ah yep fair enough. I like the variation of different lifts, and I figure if the frequency is still good enough per muscle group and there's a progression occurring it's still all good.
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    Back to Basics

    Hey Totz, how do you find the difference between doing the same exercise for a muscle group 3x week (HST, although ABA variations exist..) versus the Myoreps flexible template of each day a different exercise for the same muscle? Just wondering if you've found it more effective (I guess as long...
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    Bb Upright Rows! Fan? Not A Fan?

    Ah that is a good point.. and wow didn't realise they did you damage. Just unsure if they are indeed harmful for everyone all the time. All sorts of sources say different things... If anything I won't go super heavy with them, but hmmm I guess there is still the possibility of wear and tear...
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    Pullup Grip Width

    Ah yeah that's an idea... just spent a cycle doing shoulder width, but be worth doing a few different grips throughout the sets.. I'm thinking of maybe not doing the super wide grip..
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    Myoreps + Cns Burnout

    Ah yeah, I've tended to use them on lifts that are fairly stationary and lifts that aren't as complex. I think the more complex the lift the more danger you're in as you're reaching and dealing with alot of fatigue. Unsure how other rest-pause methods are done, I thought they were longer rests...
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    Bb Upright Rows! Fan? Not A Fan?

    Haha ah fair enough :D. I find that the slight lean forward at the hips helps that and there's no discomfort. I may give it a go again, haven't had any issues with it in the past, but hoping that it's not compounding any unknown damage haha.
  12. S

    Pullup Grip Width

    Say that three times fast... In my next cycle I'm gonna focus on delts and back. This cycle using chinups went really well, and managed to get to adding 20kg extra weight for 5 reps. Considering it's been more than a year and a half since I've done them I'm pretty happy with that! Gonna try...
  13. S

    Bb Upright Rows! Fan? Not A Fan?

    Just curious whether anyone is a fan of doing BB Upright Rows. I know there are alot of thoughts on it being useless and dangerous, too harmful on the rotator cuff etc, but I actually quite like it. If I grab a wide grip and lean forward at the hips a slight bit it doesn't put that...
  14. S

    Myoreps + Cns Burnout

    Brilliant, that's super helpful, thanks mate. For this cycle I was only doing them on EZ bar reverse spider curls, and EZ bar Skullcrushers. I have done them for bench press in the past, but makes sense to keep them for isos (some can do it for sure, but maybe for me it'd be overkill for the...
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    Myoreps + Cns Burnout

    Yeah in my previous cycle I was doing them as per Borge's template. This cycle I was originally doing them twice a week (and by twice a week, I mean just on two exercises total, on two different days), but now was doing those two exercises just once a week myoreps style. I just wonder its...
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    Differential Effects Of Attentional Focus Strategies During Long-term Resistance Training.

    A very interesting study, unfortunately using untrained subjects *sigh*.. but perhaps they use them to show a big enough and significant enough variance in result. The mind-muscle connection or internal contraction focus has always fascinated me... I know Bryan has stated it's not that...
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    Myoreps + Cns Burnout

    Eating has been really good, sleeping has been okay and not exactly bad overall, but honestly could improve a little.. I'll definitely try to improve there
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    Myoreps + Cns Burnout

    So I've been training with Dips and Chins as a main focus twice a week, along with myoreps for bis and tris, but splitting it all up into three days a week (so 2-3 exercises per those musclegroups throughout the entire week, but just maintenance stuff for the rest). So DAY 1 Lower volume DIPS...
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    Myoreps + Cns Burnout

    Thought I'd post a fresh thread about this. It's necessarily only about my experience, but burnout in general. I just don't know if I can perform myoreps anymore... most times I do myoreps, it's almost guaranteed that the next day I'll have a cold. It just keeps happening constantly, and it...
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    The Case For Isometrics

    Just tried isometric leg extensions, just holding at the top position, fairly light weight, contracting just enough to keep the weight stationary for 2 sets of 60 seconds, was good fun. Got tough around the end, but am used to doing alot of isometric holds in karate. Been having some pain in...