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  1. S

    Sample Excel file

    Thanks everyone! These will work. It's not the one I had (it had two sheets, one for lb increments and one for %'s. Also, it had an area for warmup weight). These are perfect though. Thanks again.
  2. S


    Do you mean I could be wrong but I never heard of proteinbuilder.
  3. S

    Sample Excel file

    There used to be an excel file link in the forums. I'm unable to find it when I search. Does anyone have this file for setting up a cycle? I prefer this to the Calculator on the site (since I can save the info and just update it each cycle). Thanks
  4. S


    I was back and forth on this for a while. I couldn't get used to the PowerBlocks so I ended up going with the Bowflex SelecTech dumbbells. There's really no comparison in the design... the only downfall is the max weight. This wasn't a problem for me haha. Take it easy
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    "Only about 1/3 the amount is required. Thus you need only about 1 -2 grams a day for optimal results. So instead of having to take about 300 grams of creatine per month you only need about 30-60 grams of CREATINE P/12 per month." All I know is I don't respond to regular mono... more...
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    I take the creatine p/12 version from the protein factory... only 1/4 teaspoon a day. I've had better results with this than regular monohydrate. That was never easy on my stomach.
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    I had that same problem with most of the creatines I took. I'm currently taking the creatine p/12 you can get at with good results. I take a 1/4 teaspoon a day.
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    Thanks for the advice guys! but ice cream tastes so much better than chicken! haha Take it easy
  9. S

    Really quick questions....

    "plus 2 days a week of HIIT" I'd drop the HIIT... or increase total calories as mentioned above. Take it easy
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    Ergomax LMG

    Thanks jonesboy. How did the Superdrol treat you? any bad sides? Take it easy
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    Ergomax LMG

    Anyone here have any experience with this? Especially combined with HST? :-) I'm considering E Max LMG for 4 weeks followed by Ultra HOT. Thanks in advance
  12. S

    Liver taxed... Need help

    Milk Thistle and check out Good luck! Take it easy
  13. S

    Liver taxed... Need help

    Milk Thistle and check out Good luck! Take it easy
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    I'm starting to notice more and more that I'm allergic to casein. I recently started to add casein to my shakes and I end up with cold symptoms... more mucus production. What could I use as a "slow" protein in it's place? Whey isolate doesn't seem to bother me at all. This really...
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    baby a, Thanks, I just read over that... I'm currently taking Creatine P/12 and it's recommended post. I'm not sure it makes a difference either way if you've been taking it a while. Thanks though! I always find it helpful to go back to the FAQs every once in a while.
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    From what I have read, post-workout seems to be the best time to consume creatine. Staxx
  17. S

    quick question

    I never had bloodwork done but I had pretty good results with Unleashed by the protein factory. Avena Sativa is one of the main ingredients. I've tried Tribulus but it seems to really raise my blood pressure. I never got past the 3rd or 4th day without giving it up. No experience with Eurycoma...
  18. S

    Liver Tabs

    Ecto, I've had good results in strength and some weight gain with Ultra 40 by Beverly. It looks like the price came down a bit so I'm looking forward to ordering some more. Good luck with the pill crusher... they're probably nasty like that haha Staxx
  19. S

    Replacement Pre & Post workout shakes

    I usually customize my own formula on the protein factory site. They have some pretty good flavors.
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    The Smell of Fish Oil

    In the FAQs Brian mentions the "burps" should go away after a week or so.