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  1. R

    Gain MASSIVE muscle

    Yeah but, Physiologically, there's gotta be a way to gain muscle without the addition of adipose tissue (FAT)
  2. R

    Gain MASSIVE muscle

    Alright, I know many of you guys have built entire eating plans on the objective of getting HEUUGE. My question is, which diet has worked best for YOU for building muscle WITHOUT getting fat? I've read Oliver Starr's "NO Fat Gain Insulin Program" and for drug-free there is Rob Faigin's...
  3. R

    Bryan's E/C protocol

    What I meant was how many weeks of tapering down before discontinuing the two. But you think it's o.k. to start off w/ 10mg E + 50-100mg C, taken every 2-3hrs, no need to "build up your tolerance"?
  4. R

    Bryan's E/C protocol

    Does anyone know how to cylce E/C like Bryan prescribes?How long can you stay on, and how long does it take to work down the dosage? Thanks all Rippt
  5. R


  6. R


    Hey guys, What do you do for hamstrings, leg curls or SLDL's and why? Assuming your goal is growth not functional strength. Rippt