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  1. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    "Who can tell me what a good cholesterol is" There are "so called" good and bad cholesterols and do a simple net search and you will find out for yourself . "who can show me that cholesterol is the limiting factor...
  2. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    Baby A ….. Ha Ha ! I know. I got a lot of work to do! I have a set of calipers and it indicates 18.0 % and according to the chart that’s “IDEAL” for a guy 51 yo It isn’t where I want to be. 16% maybe.
  3. S

    how big is everyone?

    6’1” 210lb’s age 51 Lean mean fighting machine. And always in a pissy mood! About to finish my first HST cycle and I’m impressed with the results.
  4. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    "Chill out, obviously you are unclear on what an open debate is." I really beg to differ! Its you who is unclear ! "I am asking you to provide specifically what qualities it is that beef has that no other food can compare with, that's all." And that is what I asked you on the...
  5. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    You are dragging me back into this! To provide what you ask! In addition, all I was trying to point out to Mr.Nasty was that he is most likely suffering from decencies, and I feel it a lack of proper natural minerals. Zinc to be specific. Moreover, you ended your last post with a? Mark. Hence! A...
  6. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    OH ! Please! don’t use that old Gambit on me . You can’t answer a question with a question. Never mind! You have answered it! My last reply.. How infantile! I quit . PS: Being specific is what got Socrates head chopped off !
  7. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    OK, but I can’t find the nutrient content of worms or lizard tail for that matter What other food out there can provide like a piece on beef can? NOTHING……..! PERIOD ! Not Tofu I assure you ! Here is a link (USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference) to the contents of of beef...
  8. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    I understand that, but its Mr. Nasty that’s having a problem. It appears from all his post that he has tried everything under the Sun except eating beef. In addition, in his last post he states that he doesn’t. Hence I believe there is where problems lay . I would bet that his zinc level in low...
  9. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    Not to be nasty ,but Mr. Nasty I figured as much.. I personally haven’t ever met at bodybuilder that didn’t eat beef that wasn't always complaining about having some kind of problem. What do you do! Take some form of man-made zinc? Where do you get all the amino and minerals? Natural is always...
  10. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    How do you know that you are right and they are wrong? How much do you weigh ? Just wondering !
  11. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    Quote from THE PHYSICIAN AND SPORTSMEDICINE - VOL 25 - NO. 8 - AUGUST 97 " Muscle-Building Basics Building muscle requires tremendous energy, both to do the muscle-building exercise and to build the tissue itself. One study (Gail...
  12. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    I have raised many “Feeder Steers” and I have taken them to many slaughter houses and have never seen anything that I would feel to be bad about. Mooooo ! But a chicken market is the pits! Cluck!
  13. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    I thought this was interesting ....... .......
  14. S

    Is canned tuna safe?

    Try a Bazooka for starts ,then if that don't work a sharp knife may work .
  15. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    I’m only talking about diet not training . That’s why I posted it here in the Diet and Nutrition forum The points you make are the obvious one that I omitted for the obvious reasons. I’m sure that any reasonable person would know that you can’t gain muscle by eating more and sitting on your butt...
  16. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    I’m quoting directly out of the “Bodybuilding Nutrition and Training Manual”. from “Muscle and Fitness” This isn’t something I just came up with. 1 pound of muscle contain 600 cal’s. (Yes or No ?) 600X12months=7200cal (Yes or No) 7200 divided by 365 (one year) = 19.72 cal a day. ( Yes or No) If...
  17. S

    “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.”

    To Mr Nasty “To be a Viking you have to eat like a Viking.” Forget about all this Low Cal/FAT food and start eating Regular foods. You diet looks great for someone who is ‘Cutting’ but not Bulking”. You just may need more fat in your diet. You maybe like me (or maybe not). I can suck up pig fat...
  18. S

    Vegetarian diet

    I did a vegetarian diet for 2 years and I started to have all kinds of problems. The main problem that made me stop was the fact that if I got a small cut it would take forever to heal. I bruised very easy. I was substituting my meat protein with mostly beans and Rice .Never again will I go...
  19. S

    sweetener 950 and 951 in Protein supps

    One other thing “Splenda“ is the only sweetener that is”natural” and can be given to children and pregnant women. Give it a try .