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  1. M

    less protein on off days?

    It all really depends on what you're doing. If you're cutting, its not anywhere near as important on off days. I typically get around 120-130g on off days (I'm 200 lbs). With on days I get around 170-190. When you're bulking its a different story, you want to get 1g/lb every single day, not...
  2. M

    Bulking during 10's only

    No prob, I'll be doing it exactly as I put it above as soon as my next cycle starts. Enjoying a nice 2 week SD at the moment.
  3. M

    Partitioning of calories among fat, carbs, etc.?

    After reading my own post I came to another question, or perhaps a revelation, or maybe its just a brain fart. If you diet down to the point of where you're losing a lot of fat, but muscle as well, that may not actually be a problem. Why? Because think about it. When you lose muscle, thanks to...
  4. M

    Partitioning of calories among fat, carbs, etc.?

    Fat, or more likely saturated fat and perhaps trans fat are the only factors in macronutrients that would have any real effect given your calories are constant in each situation. I have serious doubts that if you got all those calories from regular fats or omega 3 fats that you would lose any...
  5. M


    I tend to take it on non training cardio days but not weekends. I have doubts that keeping up stores with 5g a day for 5 days a week should be any kind of problem. You could probably get away with 10g only on training days and none for the rest of the time and still do well. Thats just my...
  6. M

    Focusing Calories with HST

    I've experimented with it this cycle, and thus far it really hasn't shown to be any different as far as fat gain vs muscle gain. So much for that idea heheh. I will try the experiment again soon but I need to get rid of the belly I just formed.
  7. M

    Bulking during 10's only

    Heheh, nope, doesn't cause anymore muscle loss than at any other time during cutting. SD one week or two isn't long enough to be a big deal from what I've noticed. Although I tend to stay closer to my mantainence level around that time period, maybe 300 under instead of 800.
  8. M

    Bulking during 10's only

    Thinking about how much progress I seem to make during 10's when I'm bulking for a whole cycle. If I make more gains during that time then wouldn't it be best to restrict bulking to 10's only and cut the rest of the time? You'd think this would be the best way to reduce any fat gain and get the...
  9. M


    Isn't it in Red Bull?
  10. M

    Prohormone cycle length

    So then why would it not actually be more counterproductive to take prohormones or steroids given that natural testosterone production is inhibited after a single 4 week cycle? How temporary is this inhibition?
  11. M

    Prohormone cycle length

    So prohormones inhibit natural testosterone just like steroids do after a while? Also, what prohormones do you guys use?
  12. M

    Prohormone cycle length

    Sounds like two 2 week cycles might get around the problem.
  13. M

    Interesting visit with a doctor

    LOL wtf this "Doctor" is an idiot. First of all this statement is akin to saying.. "So if you're not going to be a professional golfer why go golfing?, or why buy good clubs?" Second, if a person is bodybuilding they aren't going to grow muscle w/o protein, and its just a...
  14. M

    Protecting muscle while dieting?

    HST in its standard format 15s 10s 5s then SD is so far the best way to mantain and sometimes grow muscle (depending on genetics and stuff) while losing fat. 1 or 2 week SD isn't going to slow your progress or cause you to lose muscle.
  15. M

    Good fast foods ?

    My advice: Go to the fast food restaraunt's website and pick out the foods with the best stats. i.e. low sat etc.. Most fast food places have websites with the info. If you're using fitday you can pretty much plan your meals for the day and now and then if you do it just right you can come...
  16. M

    Focusing Calories with HST

    I'll be trying it all next week, I started trying it yesterday, just hoping I can stick to it for the most part. I already grew my thighs a quarter inch this first week of my 10th cycle. Or is it the 11th? dang I've lost count.
  17. M

    Focusing Calories with HST

    Heheh, solution for those of us w/o a 7 - 4 work day and a need for an obscene amount of sleep. Otherwise I'd definately be trying that given everything was convenient. I'd have to live pretty close to the gym.
  18. M

    Focusing Calories with HST

    Ah ok thanks Bryan!
  19. M

    Focusing Calories with HST

    I've been thinking of ways I could possibly improve the ratio of muscle to fat increases during bulking periods. I thought about the fact that if protein synthesis lasts 36 hrs after working the muscle then perhaps focusing all the calories into that 36 hr period might be the key. For...
  20. M

    Should Prohormones be illegal

    Well, considering the minority of the population are weightlifters or athletic, the rest being fat lazy. The majority therefore doesn't understand what prohormones are. And as Dilbert's boss says "After reading your report I'm moving up the deadline on your project based on the assumption...