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  1. M

    Should Prohormones be illegal

    Government is never the best person to do "whats best" for anybody. People always assume if something is government approved that its set in stone as being unquestionable. Somehow the misconception has come along that government is infallable. Prohibition of any material (drugs...
  2. M

    It will Kill you, creatine that is!

    Ephedra is banned as of Friday, based on the mis-use by a few morons out there. They might as well ban everything because anything can kill you if mis-used. In this guys case it must've been a 1 in 6 billion fluke. Does this mean ECA stacks are out on Friday?
  3. M

    What are you Eating?

    I'm cutting so I'm pretty lean and lower carb than normal at this point. But here's a great meal to try: Get some deli sliced (1 oz per slice) roasted, seasoned turkey Roll 2 slices up (should be 2 oz) then wrap a slice of kraft singles around it. Thats it, eat it, its good, especially if you...
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    I've read them, and I tend to trust Lyle more than some, however I was hoping for some commentary on this board from people I know that've tried it first hand. Not that everyone on Avant's board is biased but still.
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    Lyle plugs this at the end of his book, anyone tried it yet?
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    Doesn't work sorry. There are many people including myself (somewhat) that claim Avant Labs Lipoderm Y topical Yohimbe works well. It is important that you stay under mantainence however.
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    Senate passes prohormone ban

    You know its one thing to ban a substance due to its possible harmful effects on the body, (I dont exactly feel any prohibition is a solution) its another to ban something just because a baseball player or other professional sportsmen use it.
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    Total Weekly Calories vs Daily

    Ah ok I see, good point. So its best then if you're trying to lose fat to just keep it lower than what it needs at all times. I just wish there were a more accurate way to determine what "low" is other than some mathematical formula based on weight. I'd like a machine you could jump...
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    Total Weekly Calories vs Daily

    Ah, so there is sort of a timer on how long before your body decides what to do with a surplus, or to decide if something is a surplus or not. That makes sense.
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    Total Weekly Calories vs Daily

    If I were to take in 3000 calories on one day and only 1000 calories the next, that would amount to an average of 2000 calories for both days. If my mantainence is 2500 would this count as a deficit if I were to continue this cycle for 1 month? Or does your body have some kind of clock that...
  11. M

    How many carbs before a person enters ketosis?

    In my opinion it's no more effective than eating less than you burn in a day. For me, keto or atkins is just far too miserable of a diet for me to try for more than an hour or so. Its full of horrible suffering and by the end of the 2nd day I'm throwing up at the thought of eating anything w/o...
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    Eating in the evening

    None, eat whatever you like or nothing at all, sleep will not make any difference, only the total daily calories.
  13. M

    How many carbs before a person enters ketosis?

    So tell me this, why does simply lowering your calories below mantainence not put you into ketosis? Isn't burning off more than you take in cause fat to be used for energy? I mean if I lose fat from that did that not happen through ketosis of some kind?
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    Eating in the evening

    If you go to CNN's website there was a recent study using monkeys (chimps?) showing that eating before bed has no effect on fat gain.
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    Full (deep) squats or Parallel squats

    I do parallel, mainly for the assumptive reasons Brian confirmed above. I dont feel it in my quads past a certain point.
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    How come HS:CRE is so cheap?

    Well as always a thread can go off in any unrelated direction at any point in time. I was seriously considering buying the HSN creatine though, I'm not sure GNC brand is the best.
  17. M

    How come HS:CRE is so cheap?

    Not true, the price for 6 lbs of GNC 100% whey protein is $39 with the discount I get, wheras the price for 2.2 lbs of HSN protein is $39 for the primer and $49 for the driver. The difference between the two being GNC is just 100% whey protein, Brian's is probably better qualtiy over all, its...
  18. M

    How come HS:CRE is so cheap?

    It is? I tend to get the GNC brand since I get a discount there when I go buy my protien.
  19. M

    Fish Oil - important?

    The American Heart Association currently recommends on their website either/or, either a number of ounces of fish per day or supplements. It does not show any real indication of discouraging supplements. This is only for hearth healthy benifits. Like stevie said, there are further studies that...