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  1. M

    Those last 2 inches

    Up until 2 weeks ago I was losing half an inch around my belly every week. I'm now down to the last 2 inches, I've not lost one single millimeter in the past 2 weeks. What besides liposuction can I do to get rid of this fat which seems to plague me everytime I reach the end of my cutting...
  2. M

    "Explosive" Pushups?

    Good, then I'll be adding these on aerobic days. Thanks for the info guys!
  3. M

    Can anyone else relate to any of this!

    Cyclic dieting can solve this issue to an extent. The way I'd do it is eat over mantainence for 2 days, eat far under for 3. Before your body realizes you're starving you feed it for a solid 2 days. This is one good way actually tricking your body. It works, and faster than other diets in my...
  4. M

    MSG dangerous?

    They are correct, MSG is only bad for those who are sensitive to it, if you aren't sensitive to it then don't worry about it. There's a lot of people out there on the internet who like to scare monger. Try to verify facts with credible sources before letting it get to ya.
  5. M

    "Explosive" Pushups?

    Push-up Your Explosive Strength! Techniques for breaking through strength plateaus in the bench press by Chad Waterbury Push up your explosive strength [edit]I didnt think reprinting a 'copywrited' article in its entirety here was too good, so I just edited it down to a link. Aaron.
  6. M

    Wall sits and other similar exercises

    Do wall sits (sitting against a wall using your quads to hold you up) increase strength? If I were to increase the amount of time, say from 60 seconds to 120 seconds that I can sit against a wall would that help to increase strength enough to affect my squatting. Or will only squatting heavier...
  7. M

    High Carb vs. High Fat

    You guys and your carbs and fat debates. IT DOESNT MATTER. Calories are the only thing that really matters when bulking or cutting. So when asking carbs or fat, I say cut or increase both of them in a wide variety of ways so you dont get burnt out on limited food choices. You wanna cut...
  8. M

    Where'd you get your username?

    Mine is partially the result of endless attempts to find a name I like on Hotmail without having to use a stupid "I'm not original nor the only one" number after it. A wraith is a ghost according to Websters. Some D&D type games claim a wraith is a vampiric type of ghost. The...
  9. M

    Mid Cycle Calorie Adjustment

    Don't take my word for it, but I'm betting its the same regardless of the macronutrients. But this does answer my question on why and how long to take when ramping up calories. I've usually taken about 7 days or so w/o even realizing it, it takes time for you to even mentally adjust to a...
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    Mid Cycle Calorie Adjustment

    Wanna know what I do? 8 week calorie cycling, for 8 weeks starting with 5's I slowly ramp the calories up past mantainence over a period of 4 days or so, then for the next 8 weeks I'm high calorie till the beginning of the next 5's, where I go back down to low again until the next 5's. I take a...
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    The dosage on liquid CLA with clarinol is 1/2 tbsp which comes out to 3200mg I think. Oh and I tend to agree, CLA is probably best utilized when bulking.
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    No, dont refridgerate it will get thicker and thus won't last as long as it's supposed to. I learned this after 2 bottles. It doesn't say anywhere on my bottle to refridgerate, it just says a cool dry place meaning in the a/c on the counter.
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    I wasn't going to post much on CLA for another 4 weeks. I've just about finished a 4 month test of CLA. I can only say this. It needs to be taken very consistantly. I didn't miss one single day in the 4 months (4 30 day supply bottles) I took. Here's what I've seen so far. Since I haven't...
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    Get 'ripped' without cutting out carbs! By Rob

    This Rob guy sounds like a douche bag.
  15. M

    ratio for overweight female

    My wife weighs 205 at 5'3. However she eats only 1700 a day on average. 120 protein 170 carbs and 60 fat. While she's probably gained about 15 lbs of muscle doing HST and cardio she's lost the same in fat if not more. She started out at 208 though but has lost a couple sizes in clothes. I'm...
  16. M

    Soy Protein

    anyone? class? Bueller?
  17. M

    Contradictions in HSN Nutrition

    I go by 1g per lb lean mass when cutting and 1g/lb total weight when bulking, dunno its not anything set in stone.
  18. M

    Soy Protein

    I've heard mostly bad things about soy but I'm not sure what those things were. Whats the difference between soy and whey other than the obvious difference in source? What if I drank both?
  19. M

    Bulking diet - help!!

    The totals seem fine for someone of your height and weight, but your metabolism must be very high. I'd say add some orange juice and change to whole milk instead of skim. Add some whey protein to that whole milk. Start doing more than 1 scoop of whey, do 2. So far what I've said doesn't...
  20. M

    fish oil capsules

    Mine are the same per capsule, I get 6 bottles of salmon fish oil for 19 bucks, lasts about 4 or 5 months taking 4 a day. Go to and look up alaskan deep sea fish oil. Seems to be the best, plus it seems they filter it too, has no cholesterol which I've heard is an indication.