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  1. Bulldog

    My first cycle of HST...WOW

    I tend to agree with Stuart Phillips, PhD.
  2. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    You can implement the ramping/overreaching principle of BBB in any split you want. You can turn the 4 day per week into a 3 day per week schedule very easily. I believe I already told you how to do just that. Will you get better results if you stick to their layout? Maybe...but not...
  3. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    It is anything but boring, and takes some intestinal fortitude. Not only will you build muscle, you will also get in decent "condition" due to the extended sets during the ramping phases. Doing one heavy set is much more boring, and far less productive, in my opinion. But as they say, to each...
  4. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    You aren't going to find the scientific research you are looking for because it doesn't exist. And I still believe I have provided you with the solution. In my experience progressive increase in volume with sub max loads will induce growth. If you are just going to continue to blabber on and...
  5. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    Yep. Anyone who doesn't try it doesn't know what they are missing.
  6. Bulldog

    Ud 2.0

    Yep. If you go right from that diet into a holiday binge you are going to blow up like a balloon.
  7. Bulldog

    Ud 2.0

    Without a couple of additional weeks to stabilize that could be trouble.
  8. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    Adequate quality sleep is paramount to recovery. If you aren't getting enough sleep your recovery will be limited, and getting "rest" will only help to make up for poor sleep slightly.
  9. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    The super-compensation principle is essentially the same thing I am talking about. It definitely works, especially for those who have been training for a long time. It will work for newbies just as well but obviously isn't necessary for them.
  10. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    Yeah, that is what I was thinking of. For some reason I was thinking it was a higher volume routine. Although the first phase of that routine is pretty high volume of I remember correctly.
  11. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    You vary your reps through the week and the emphasis is on the reps not the weight. You use whatever weight puts you at your target reps. The weight/load can actually end up going down on week 3 due to the increase in volume. But once you drop the reps/volume on week 4 you will see a huge...
  12. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    Something that came to mind is a post Steve Jones made a few years ago. I don't remember what program he was doing but he commented how his squat strength skyrocketed due to the crazy volume that the program had him doing.
  13. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    It's actually a simple principle. This is an over simplification but basically over the course of three weeks you increase your volume to a point of acute over training and then on the fourth week you reduce the volume and begin to increase the load over the next three weeks. There is a bit...
  14. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    It actually works very well, and is my preferred method. Volume manipulation can be a very powerful growth stimulus...if done properly.
  15. Bulldog

    Rethinking Hst

    Rihad, we have discussed this topic in a PM recently. If you have not tried what I shared with you yet you are just wasting time. A few others here have blown off the same information at their own loss. For the love of God, just try it for 6 weeks and see what happens. I'm pretty sure you will...
  16. Bulldog

    2 Year Break

    I actually prefer a micro-periodization setup including 15's 10's & 5's (or 12's 8's & 4's) in the same week. I think the metabolic work of the 15's and 10's is invaluable. You can produce some pretty good growth just by adjusting your volume over the course of a few weeks. I know most riding...
  17. Bulldog

    Adjustable Dumbbell Options

    Thanks for the feedback, Jester.
  18. Bulldog

    Adjustable Dumbbell Options

    I am considering getting some PowerBlock Elite dumbbells. I'm curious if anyone has PowerBlocks how you like them. Would you buy them again or would you get something different? I have considered the Ironmaster adjustable dumbbells but they are more expensive than the PowerBlocks and look...
  19. Bulldog

    Damn Apples' Ios 8.0.2 Update

    My Gymrat android app is still not on the Play Store, so it must be done. Not sure why they pulled it from the Play Store though. It kind of pisses me off. Since I paid for it I should be able to re-download it any time I want but that's not possible now. I wanted to backup the app APK file...
  20. Bulldog

    Damn Apples' Ios 8.0.2 Update

    I currently use Gymrat on my Android phone. The Gymrat app that is available for iPhone is not the same app. I believe those are for tracking basketball stats. Anyhow, it's a good app but it's not very good for setting up HST routines. I directed the developer to the HST website and asked...