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  1. Bulldog

    Protein shakes mixed w/milk or water - which tastes better?

    Me too. When this product first came out both the chocolate and vanilla tasted horrible but the vanilla was actually so bad that I had to throw it away. I've been afraid to try it again even though they have reformulated their flavors.
  2. Bulldog

    Protein shakes mixed w/milk or water - which tastes better?

    I just picked up a bag of chocolate flavor of the Muscletech Whey Protein Plus. I see they now also make a cookies and cream flavor...I wonder how that one tastes...
  3. Bulldog

    Protein shakes mixed w/milk or water - which tastes better?

    Have you tried the vanilla flavor lately? The original vanilla, before they reformulated the flavors, tasted horrible. I like to mix up the flavors because I get sick of the same thing all the time. So I'm curious how the vanilla tastes now.
  4. Bulldog

    Deadlifts and HST

    You should increment them just like you do with every other exercise.
  5. Bulldog

    Protein shakes mixed w/milk or water - which tastes better?

    I don't recall how much it was and I haven't used it for quite a while now. But I want to say it was less that $35 for the 5 pound bag. However, keep in mind it was not a pure protein powder so you were being less protein per pound. Just checked the Sam's Club website and it is $35...
  6. Bulldog

    great rotator cuff links

    I still have shoulder issues 20+ years after my injury, but doing these has really helped more than any band work I have done...and I've done a lot of band work over the years. Dante talks about it over on Intense Muscle.
  7. Bulldog

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    That's kind of what I though too. But I wasn't sure. I was also curious...if for some reason I have to go off TRT in the future, what precautions need to be taken? My biggest fear is that for some reason I would lose my insurance and not be able to afford it anymore and have to go off of it. Is...
  8. Bulldog

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    So....if you are on TRT would you test positive for steroids? How do the tests work when testing for testosterone usage?
  9. Bulldog

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    Thanks for sharing your TRT experience with us.  The more we all know about others experiences the better off we will be. Is HCG delivered via an IM shot also?  One of my concerns going on TRT has been that I may end up with overly elevated DHT or E2.  From what I have read using Test Cyp would...
  10. Bulldog

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    At this point all I can say is that if there is a noticable difference in how I feel then I will probably continue to take it for as long as I can afford to do so.  It's covered by most insurance carriers, so why not?  It doesn't cost me any more than most supplements would for a month and I'm...
  11. Bulldog

    Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

    I see this is a pretty old thread but thought I would post here anyhow.  I was actually going to get back into lifting a few months ago after a very long layoff.  But I ended up needing to have surgery on my wrist back on August 5th and I’m still not 100%.  When they did the blood work for my...
  12. Bulldog

    Diet during SD?

    Should I adjust my diet during SD or keep eating as if I were still lifting? Seems like I should adjust it so I don't gain a bunch of fat but was curious what everyone else does.
  13. Bulldog

    Diet during SD?

    Should I adjust my diet during SD or keep eating as if I were still lifting? Seems like I should adjust it so I don't gain a bunch of fat but was curious what everyone else does.
  14. Bulldog

    HS:Report & Think Muscle Newsletters

    I was also wondering about this.
  15. Bulldog

    What about the weekends?

    Just curious, but why would you add an extra increment rather than doing 6 for each rep range like you normally would, just not taking extra days off on the weekends?
  16. Bulldog

    What about the weekends?

    The research that Bryan references suggestes that you should work each muscle every 48 hours.  And to be honest I have agreed with that for many years...even before ever hearing about HST.  So I'm curious if everyone runs their HST cycle through the weekends or if you take Saturday and Sunday...
  17. Bulldog

    2 year layoff

    I guess I just needed to look at the FAQ again. I found my answers there. ;)
  18. Bulldog

    What does RBE stand for?

    Thanks for the reply Bryan. It is very much appreciated.
  19. Bulldog

    What does RBE stand for?

    Sorry if this is a stupid question.....but I keep seeing references to the abbreviation "RBE". What exactly does it stand for?
  20. Bulldog

    2 year layoff

    Could you please post an example?  I'm not sure I fully understand how you are saying to repeat weights.  But since repeating weights is still less than your RM, wouldn't it essentially produce the same progressive load as zig zagging would?  I just don't see how it would produce different...