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  1. S

    HST Equipment

    Bryan, This may sound somewhat uncharacteristic for the usual sweat, blood IRON INTENNNNNNSE line of thought with bodybuilding but quite frankly I think something that looks good would be a great advancement in home equipment. I use this example: I have some plain looking bench station with a...
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    Loss of size during SD

    If you are bulking, even the light cardio should be avoided, although it is acceptable. It would only hamper the deconditioning of your legs a bit. I'm not sure what the consensus is on stretching, but I don't think it could hurt, but given the choice, I'd avoid it. Regarding eating, if you are...
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    introducing myself

    mrh, Wow, what a great leg routine. Being the shallow beach-bod concerned youth I am, I only do squats and calve raises. ;) If you so desire, you may consider dropping the leg raises since squats will already be pounding your quads. This way you can definitely work in a hamstring isolation...
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    just finished 15's

    No, in the long run this should not make much difference if at all, especially during the 15's. The 15's are generally a more "feel" based approach to working out--the idea is to work the muscle until you feel a certain pain deep within the muscle. If this takes only one set, that is...
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    Another question regarding Strathegic Deconditioni

    Yes, that rep scheme is fine. The notion of 15's, 10's and 5's is there to keep things understandable--any rep scheme works as long as it accomodates for the ever increasing load. At the end of a cycle, some people choose to add an extra 5 or 10 pounds to all their rep maxes while some...
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    Lagging bodyparts thread . . .

    Skinnyman, If your arms are lagging but everything else is growing at a satisfactory rate, you could try doing an arm workout twice a day. You say your back is growing very fast so pulldowns to hit the biceps may not be what you want as your back will grow exponentially with twice a day...
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    Dont understand Bryan's routine

    Here's the PDF file as you requested: FAQ PDF Also, the FAQ has an example of an AM/PM split routine. Good luck to you sir.
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    Loss of size during SD

    Curt and liegelord, I recently completed a 12 day SD and I cannot say I lost any noticeable size. I may be incorrect, but I do not believe muscle tissue should deteriorate so quickly, unless the body has been starved for days (which I'm sure yours wasn't ;) ) . I suspect any decrease in size...
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    Out of the many options of HST

    One of the best ways to gain muscle mass is by doing an AM/PM split, provided you can eat accordingly. The reason for this? Not only are you getting more frequency (you'd be working out 3 days per week but you'd be working out twice a day, so really you're hitting the whole body 6 times per...
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    Dont understand Bryan's routine

    xxfunguy007xx200, The best thing to do is read the PDF version of the FAQ. I would also read Bryan's entire introduction to HST concepts here: What is HST? Having read this, you will realize that working a body part only once a week is inferior for hypertrophy compared to working a body part 3...
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    Another question regarding Strathegic Deconditioni

    12 consecutive weeks, especially for an experienced body builder such as yourself, may be too long. Generally, longer cycles are better than shorter cycles but by 12 weeks, especially since your muscles have been trained for years, you'll probably be experiencing a great deal of the repeated...
  12. S

    will 5 sets help?

    It would not be overtraining. You'd do your "regular" HST full body workout during the day, and then at some other point in the day you'd do some more dips or bench. This would definitely not be overtraining--some HSTers, (like Bryan himself) employ an AM/PM split where they do full...
  13. S

    will 5 sets help?

    If you work out at home, you could try doing two workouts during the day--your regular full body workout at one time and then do your other chest-only routine, so you'd be increasing the frequency and getting the summation effect of a chest workout twice a day. This should help since you want...
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    Perhaps I'm just confused by this sentence or I'm just tired from a long day's work. When you say "obviously the sudden drop in volume per workout won't be anything too traumatic for my body," do you mean that you have been working out with another program for awhile and now you are...
  15. S

    May I throw away biceps and triceps exercises?

    I agree. Stretch point exercises do not serve the same metabolic function as say a static hold or a drop set. So, we could conclude that if one dislikes arm isolation movements, he could do compounds only for most of the cycle and then kick in the aforementioned isolation movements, aiding in...
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    May I throw away biceps and triceps exercises?

    One aspect that hasn't been considered so far in this debate is the loaded stretch, which many (especially Vicious) have advocated. A person would not be obtaining a truly loaded stretch for individual parts of the arm with compounds like pull-ups or dips. If one believes the loaded stretch...
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    Really quick questions....

    Be sure to supplement with quality creatine. As Bryan shows in some studies, creatine truly is a muscle builder, and since even the good stuff is incredibly cheap, there's little logic in not taking it.
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    Our favorite 60 year old

    This is the thread that caused him to leave: Calorie Confusion
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    Idea...and opinion needed

    Yes, as Bryan states in the FAQ, "Larger increments will tend to cause greater microtrauma, and by extension hypertrophy. Lower increments will be more conducive towards strength increases (and not so much hypertrophy)" Furthermore, regarding the problem of zig-zagging, Bryan states...
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    Staxx, I do not use casein as my slow-acting protein. I do chug my whey shake before I workout so that I get my "fast" protein, but after my workout I love to eat chicken. Ohhh chicken, my ode to you. You can get all kinds--I buy all kinds of Purdue--grilled chicken is all protein and...