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  1. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    I have no real way to answer that honestly shakeel. As I said earlier, if JReps are giving you results, I wouldn't ask you to stop doing them or try something else. Go with what works for you.
  2. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    "Not a big deal!?!?!?"
  3. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    I'm not sure if you're a member at Lyle's board, but if you are, you may want to look over this (though as a warning it's technical/complicated). If not, registration is quick, and there's a lot of technical ground here that would be kind of difficult to reproduce here without typing for another...
  4. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Agreed, if he (or anybody else reading this) is actually doing well with JReps, I don't ACTUALLY want you to change. But for people looking to "try a new way to do a set," and don't want to pay Johnston for the privelege of doing so, they could always try BLOWreps. Unlike Johnston...
  5. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Sharing knowledge with your FRIENDS isn't cool? What a pathetic attitude.
  6. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    BLOWreps are the future!
  7. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Btw, here's a rough draft of BLOWreps for free. Just remember: "There's no reps like BLOWreps!"
  8. M

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    Cross link to a discussion of this I started on bodyrecomp for anyone interested.
  9. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    For the record, I have no beef with anything you've said, have no idea if Jreps are the best thing since sliced bread, and don't think you're trying to "sell" anything. That said, the "point" the other dude was making is this: * If, in some period of time, you neither gain...
  10. M

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    P.S. Just reiterating my understanding up until considering new stuff/research like the Kaatsu/occlusion studies. P.P.S. Has Bryan ever discussed the implications of the occlusion research?
  11. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    I updated my previous post. I hope BDJ appreciates the change, and will no longer threaten legal action to this board (you know, quoting people on what they actually say is pretty offensive).
  12. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    P.S. BDJ just banned me on his forum (despite the fact that I caused no problems, simply reposted what he himself said on a couple of forums). loool
  13. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    BDJ on the IART roundtable wrote something I figured I'd share. But I'm going to edit it now, because Brian Johnston is such a big blubbering vagina that he's actually threatening legal action because I'm quoting him on something he actually said. So here's a paraphrase, which he can't censor...
  14. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    As per the above, I don't think anybody ever said "Jreps" didn't work. Probably because most of us have no real idea whether they do or not, and as far as I know, none of us has access to his full (and probably expensive) book on the subject. That said, Johnston's attitude still sucks...
  15. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    It's being offered as "negative" because with both Siff and Mentzer, he had ample opportunity to debate them BEFORE their death. Siff in particular - I could probably dig up the supertraining posts, but Johnston claimed more than once to "not have time" for a public debate...
  16. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Yah, Johnston is a real class act. As you noted, he certainly likes debate - at least when the people he "debates" are already dead. I'd like to note that Johnston has taken material Bryan has written out of context before and literally refused to be corrected about his...
  17. M

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    Well, this is what I was confused about - you're calling microtrauma as induced by exercise "remodeling" and not damage. I think I need to reread a few posts because you explained earlier how researchers looking for damage got something confused, but to me, what Bryan was saying and...
  18. M

    A New and Unique Training Method is Here

    Hey Dan, wanted one thing clarified: "Remodeling yes, damage no. First what must be recognized is as stated earlier, that many earlier researches looking at damage may have been a little off, as far as to what extent, and even what markers and when these are seen. So in a nutshell yes...
  19. M

    Johnston Rep Method

    Yah, just like you didn't have time to debate Mel Siff before he died, but suddenly found the time to publish an entire work attacking his ideas afterwards. Feel free to run away like a little girl, though. P.S. Nice meathead "let's compare pics!" logic.